Stealing this meme...

Jul 04, 2008 12:59

It was just far too much tempting:

Shipping Meme:

"One true pairing" ship:

"One true threesome" ship:

"One true foursome" ship:

"Canon" ship:
Carrie/Big and MerDer... and Spike/Buffy

"Not quite canon but should be" ship:
Harry/Hermione!!! (But also Jo/Laurie)

"You are one sick bastard" ship:

"I dabble a little" ship:
Hermione/Cedric... IDK, IDK, I have a weakness for that thought...

"It's like a car crash" ship:

"Tickles my fancy but not quite sold yet" ship:
Jane/Mr. Churchill

"Makes no canon sense but why they hell not" ship:
Blair/Serena... yeah, I went there... :P

"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship{s}:
Chuck/Blair.. IDK, IDK, IDK... I'm not sold on it..

"When all is said and done" ship:
Harry/Hermione, really... In your heart you know it's true!

"Guilty pleasure" ship:
Emma/Mr. Churchill

"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship:

Favorite older/younger ship:
hmmm... Edward/Bella counts right?

"My first, I could never abandon you" ship:
Harry/Hermione vrs Jo/Laurie... I'll stick by these forever!!!

Favorite devotion ship:

Favorite never-met ship:
Lizzie Bennet/Mr Knightley

Favorite "Awwww!" ship{s}:

Favorite dominance!battle ship:
Harry/Hermione ... But Emmet/Rosalie is a close second...

2 nights ago, we found no tickets to watch Sex and the City... That shit chagrined my dazzle... We watched Made of Honor which, of course is an entertaining movie but with nothing remarkable about it...
Crap, the SATC movie will be pulled out of every theatre soon... It's only playing in one and only at 2 very late times today... and I'm a bit broke today... so, hardly any chance...
Tomorrow there's no chance cause I have this party... well, we'll see, we'll see...


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