This is a much belated entry related to my trip to San Diego Comic Con last month. There's so much to cover that I'm going to divide it up into a few different journal entries to make it more digestible. XD
This was my first time at SDCC and, honestly, I had no idea what to expect. It was also the first time in a long time that I went to a convention as an attendee and not as a seller (which was kind of weird). All in all, I guess it was an ok convention- there were things I liked, and things that I didn't, but I guess that was to be expected.
First things first, I knew SDCC was giant, but nothing could have compared me for the epicness of the entire event! Before, the largest con I had attended was A-kon (or maybe AWA), but they all seem tiny in comparison to Comic Con, not only in the amount of people, but in the shear scale of everything. When I arrived at the convention center, I was overwhelmed with the intense amount of advertising.
The surrounding hotels were decked in huge building-long ads for Scott Pilgrim, Red Faction and Battle: Los Angeles.
On the street level, billboard trucks advertising True Blood and Piranha 3D continually looped around the block, along with herds of Showtime themed buses, ready to cart con-goers to and from the convention center.
There were also tons of people out, ready to pass out advertisements and free goodies (whether you wanted them or not XD). People wearing giant balloons advertising USA and Syfy channel also mingled in the crowds.
Even protesters were out, ready to advertise their stuffs!
Unfortunately for them, con-goers had infiltrated their group and began waving signs that read things like "Have you seen my keys!?!" and other ridiculousness.
Inside the convention center, there was a fare share of advertising as well:
Every hall was covered head to toe in giant TrueBlood and Showtime banners. And considering how many halls there were (A-H, I think?), there were a lot of banners. XD
There was a lot of security, too. They kept making everyone walk in the longest path possible in order to get to where you wanted to go. It was quite annoying, and I got a lot of exercise. yay. : /
Next entry will cover the exhibition hall....