May 04, 2014 17:02
In total, I had five weeks of training at my new job. Along side my trainer, we worked the swing shift five nights a week for ten hours each night. Towards the end of the final week, I was getting pretty restless in anticipation of taking over the day shift and therefore working all by myself. My first week alone on the day shift-last week-was actually really good. There wasn't a whole lot of work and I knew how to do nearly everything that came my way. I'm still rough around the edges and I'm sure it'll take north of six months to really be comfortable, but so far so good. Steady as she goes.
Going forward, my permanent schedule will be 6 AM to 2:30 in the afternoon five days a week. Sure, getting up at 5 AM isn't the greatest schedule, but it's a world better than the 12-hour graveyard schedule I had at my previous job. It's wonderful to come home with time to relax in the afternoons as well as be with Nicole every evening. It's great. It's worth it.
Along with that big transition to having a new scary job, Nicole and I have been hard at work spending our weekends looking for an apartment of our own. Just over a month ago, we moved in with my sister and her fiancé into their spare room in their two-bedroom apartment. So far it's been good, but it's strange. To me, it feels like we're staying at a hotel. It's like we've been living out of suitcases and we're simply guests. We can't truly spread out and really capture some true privacy. The fridge is packed with food but it's hard to know whose is whose. It's hard to cook when you're sharing a kitchen with three other people. Being here was supposed to be temporary so looking for a new place this quickly shouldn't be unexpected, but it just seems like the transition will never seem to end.
We've spent weeks running around the Portland area looking for a new apartment. The market here currently is horrible. There's a major apartment shortage and it's worst with single-bedroom apartments. Because of the shortage, that raises the prices on the ones that do become available. It seemed disastrous to us. We began to realize it may have been a huge mistake to have even moved out of our last apartment. But we didn't have a choice; we couldn't re-up our lease there because our job situation was so volatile. Thankfully, however, we did find a new apartment over this weekend and we signed up. We'll find out later this week if we got it but we won't be able to move in until it's ready for us towards the end of June. That's right, the market is so tight that we have to wait nearly two whole months to get into a place we haven't even seen. Sure, we could wait here with my sibling, but they plan on moving out themselves in August, so we might as well do this now.
Regardless, it will be nice to be on our own again. I hope the apartment is worth it.