Well, I finally got my response from Kalina. After 48 hours sitting on pins and needles waiting for any word about a second date, a message arrived just a little while ago. It was short. One paragraph. She thanked me for meeting her, thanked me for giving her a chance, and wished me well. However, she said she didn't feel the "common interest" she
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*squishy LJ hugs*
I still wuvs you.
And you are so not the most boring person ever. You've done lots of exciting stuff, like your road trip and getting sunburnt. :p
As for crooked teeth and sunburn... well... sunburn isn't permanent and crooked teeth aren't any big deal. Now if you had horns growing out of your head that would be a different story.
I think 90 minutes is enough time to at least get to know each other a bit. Sure it's not like you could tell each other your life stories, but still. Maybe it was the coffee...
I've had dates like that. They suck.
How rude. I'm annoyed at her now. LOL And I don't even know her!!!
BTW, that blinking cat icon is beautiful and spooky. You watching me from your side of the world? :)
But I don't want a fishie!!!
LOL Could be. Thanks, I thought it was cute. :)
Or maybe she's just one of those 3 day rule girls. Where you have no contact with the guy until the 3rd day after the date.
Weird I know, but a lot of girls go by it here in Oz.
Three days?! I'd shoot myself. That kinda thing is very rare here in the states and I have little respect for men or women who play games making dates wait like that. If you like the guy, tell him. Grab him. You give him three days to suffer, and he could be gone. I would be.
I can understand someone waiting until the next day to contact someone after a date. But 3 just sounds uninterested to me.
LOL I sent my boyf an SMS after our first date. I think it was about 2-3hrs after. I find if I don't tell someone something as soon as I feel comfortable telling them, I end up not telling them.
I know I annoyed him with emails during the first week of our relationship. He says I didn't, but I know sending someone 3 emails in one day is extreme. I still annoy him like that, only I don't send him the email until the end of the day so it just ends up one really long email. That and I annoy him with SMS's at work. :)
Then again he knew I liked him after we spent all day talking on Yahoo. Yes I met him online. :p
LOL Yeah well you at least want someone who knows what a game console is!!!
Awwww you're welcome. I feel like I'm rambling sometimes. I've been doing that a lot lately.
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