in my last entry, I mentioned how Franko was given a chance to move to
Detroit to continue his job after the local operation was shutting down. Personally, I was secretly against it because, truth be told, it's fun to have them around and I think it's good for my parents to have the kind of activity they bring when they come here. Even on Monday, when I visited them to catch
Hell's Kitchen, I was jokingly hugging their cats goodbye and wishing them well on their trip to Detroit. My sister, Val, was hardly amused as I could tell she wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of moving. But Franko has been gung-ho about the whole thing. He even went so far as to pick out a new home and plan out the move. He was supposed to hear back from his bosses on Monday as to whether they were going to consider his wage demands at the new job.
Well, he found out on Tuesday that they've retracted the offer to hire two people to move to Detroit. Instead, they'll now take only one person, and that other person turned out to be (Surprise surprise) Franko's boss. So bottom line, Franko and Val aren't moving anywhere anytime soon. I'm not sure if they decided not to hire Franko because he spoke out about how much he wanted to make, but it's the leading theory. I think we're all a little relieved. Sure, it's nice to have a job waiting for you no matter where it is, but it probably wouldn't have been worth the hassle. So life goes on.
iturtle and I found a local theater running a secret sneak preview (I think it was a press screening) for a new science fiction suspense movie called
Sunshine. I actually liked it. I know that may be a shock to some people since I typically hate 90% of all film, but this was a very interesting and inspired film. Sunshine is a movie that was made in England and prepared for an October 2006 release only to be delayed and finally released in April of this year but for some reason it hasn't had a US release until now in July. To drum up word of mouth, studios will hold press screenings so locals and the media can see a movie before everyone else in the area. I found out about it through the official Sunshine website and, after standing in line for two hours outside the theater, were treated to a free showing of the film. It's shockingly good. It spins together the visual beauty of
2001, the science and intelligence of
Sphere and even the claustrophobia and terror of
Alien. Probably the best sci-fi movie of the last couple years. When it opens wide this weekend in America, go see it. If you're in the rest of the world, you've been able to see it since April, so look for the DVD in the next month or two. Check it out!
Lastly, a funny thing has happened like an odd cosmic event. Early last week, I found the perfect job for me. I'd be making $60,000/year working on the local school district's website. It would have been awesome!! I immediately applied. Fast forward to now. After more than a full business week went by and I hadn't heard a peep form the district, I pretty much sulked and felt a wave of disappointment. You know how you find that perfect job opportunity that comes along every few months and nothing comes of it? God, it's horrible! But then, at seemingly that same instant, three job offers came in. Three. They're all freelance art stuff, but I thought it was worth mentioning since it seems odd that they all came in at almost the same moment from three different people. I still hold out hope that the school district will get back to me, but... You know how that goes...