Apr 19, 2008 01:33
I'm having lots of them.
I'm starting to wonder if it was a good idea to choose to move to Indiana. Huber Heights is all I've ever known, and i have a decent job here, even if my manager does make me want to scream out in frustration most days. So what the hell was I thinking when it seemed like a good idea to pack up everything and move to Indiana instead of finding a nice little apartment around here?
Now instead of finishing my associates at Sinclair like I wanted with professors that I really wanted to take more classes with I not only have to change schools, but re-arrange my major and minor to do it. I'll have to change Anthropology to my minor (at least as far as my education at IU goes) and Archeology is out the window and my major will be Sociology. I'm not sure how thrilled I am about this change, we'll have to see.
And I'm really wondering if i want to go through the whole job hunting process up there. I hate job hunting!
And of course there's the whole living with my parents for a month or two while i job hunt. In all likely hood I'll find myself working two jobs at fast food places or some such just so i can get out of there while I find something better. I suppose I wouldn't mind living with them for that month or two if it weren't for the fact that they have every intention of putting me on the floor in my sisters room as soon as they get foster kids in (who would then take the one spare, dinky room left). Which utterly sucks.
I was running on an initial high when I first made the announcement that I was moving, as usual; and now, as usual, I'm coming down off that high hard.
i guess i just have to look at things positively for as long as possible. Hopefully this experience will be good for me in multiple ways. And If I'm lucky maybe I'll meet somebody of the male persuasion while I'm there. And better yet, maybe this will be the catapult that will land me in Toledo with Anthropology back in it's rightful spot as my major.