20things you may or may not know about me...

Dec 21, 2004 15:41

20 Things you may or may not know about me...

1. I hate christmas and valentines day and halloween and sweetest day and easter and thanksgiving and pretty much any holiday that reminds me that I have no family and no one to love.

2. I smoke...probably too much. My favorite is drymn (sp) blacks but pretty much anything that sets me lungs on fire and stops my hands from shaking is good by me.

3. A part of me will always love joe and mari and maybe just myself

4. I want a puppy not because its cute or fluffy or chubby or playfull. I want a puppy because Im lonely and because I know that no matter what my dogs always love me unconditionally. Sad but true...

5. Im still waiting for my knight in shining armour who will wisk me off to live in the clouds.

6. I write in my journal for at least an hour every night before I go to bed. Yes its childish, yes its high school, yes its what keeps me sane and if anyone ever found them i think i would die...literally

7. i am secretly in love with my own chest (lol)

8. I still cry when old yeller dies and when they shoot bambi's mother

9. My all time favorite movie is North and South (im sure uve never heard of it) followed only by Gone with the wind. I really should have been born in the 1860's minus the whole civil war thing...

10. The only time I feel free in when I'm on the back of a horse or in the middle of sex...if that doesnt make you worry about my phsyke (sp) nothing will (hehe)

11. I have never cried at a funeral...except one

12. I could eat spicy tuna maki and cali rolls every day for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy

13. Ive always wanted to live in texas, and once almost got my wish
(queers and steers y'all)

14. Im taking dancing lessons so that I can actully dance on my 21st birthday. (plus I figure it'll help me get the chicks *winkwink*)

15. I really wish I could get everyone in a room that I have ever lied to, munipulated, yelled at, swear at, talk behind their back, broke up with, got broken up with, or hurt in any way shape or form. I really wish I could tell them all how sorry I am, and how much I was I had out grown all that awfulness that use to be inside me. I wish i could tell them how sorry I was for all the pain I caused and how I hope them nothing but happiness and sucess in life.

16. You will only find me drinking beer or bloody marys. That is all the acohol that passes through my lips. (yumm...now i want a bm!)

17. I will wish I was thinner every day until the day I die. No matter how beautufil I think I am. No matter how great I look in my plus size clothes. No matter how many dates or loves or relationships I have. No matter how many colors I dye my hair, no matter how many ways I style or cut it. No matter how good I know I look, I will always wish I was thinner. I will always know that i would look EVEN better is I was thinner. I love and except myself the way I am. But every time I look in that mirror I just think about what it would be like to not have thighs that touch or to not have to suck in my stomach to fit in my favorite pants. To not have to shop that the "hip and cool" plus size stores. (although I am very glad there are such things) Its really that simple...

18. Im really not ready to be liking/dating/looking at/crushing on anyone. I really loved Mari (that im sure u knew) but more than that pain, is the ANNOYANCE of having to start all over again. (JKJKJK) Having to do all getting to know each other crap and the first kiss nervousness and that "do they really like me for me?" crap. Having to go on first dates and second dates. Having to decide if im ready to sleep with someone ever again. Actully having sex for the first time. its all so sickening and nerve racking. I just dont want to do it. Im just not up to it. With mari and even with joe everything, right from the beginning was so perfect, so nice and sweet and not nervous. It just went where is was supost to go. And im just so comfy with her, im just so happy with her, im just so use to her. She knows what makes me laugh, what makes me smile, and what makes me sick. She knows me already. And I know her most ticklish spot and that her neck is the most lickable part of her body. And that she like someone who can take her shit and give it back to her. I dont want that with someone else. I just dont want to have to do all that shit over and over again....augh

19. I gotta pee (ok so that was was kinda cheating)

20. my father is the only person on earth whos opinion really matters to me...

Ok...its your turn now. Read this, and now go write your own. 20 real things that are floating around inside your head that most people will not know about you. Maybe even things you didnt know about urself! hehe

xoox, Liz
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