Nov 12, 2004 15:30
so why havent I updated in while?? Ive been working my butt off at Borders. Which i am so in love with. I love the people, i love the books, i love the cafe, i love the customers, i love the little old men who want to talk about world war two for 45 minutes while I help them find books, I love the break room, I love abby and ed and mark and maggie, i love walking in and just inhaling the smell of books and paper and caffine. I love all of it...hehe
Lets see what else?? Kim and jenn are already planning New Years which should be a blast. hehe Very very cute ideas ladies...
OH!!! I have my first post-mari crush. lol I dont even know if i can call it a crush, but there is this girl Ive been talking too. We talked for 4 1/2 hours last night, and shes seriously everything ive ever wanted in a person. LOl I know I dont know her that well yet, and shes prolly not even into me, when ive been talking to her, its seriously like someone who knows me really well, someone who knows what i want excatly, wrote her an email or sent her a tape with everything Ive ever said about what i want in a person. We have SOOOOOOOO much in common. I mean seriously she'll just say something and I'll be like "ME TOO, me too, me too, me too, me too" Its almost toooooooo much. Its just crazy everytime she talks i feel like shes reflecting whats inside of me. Yesterday she blew me away with something that everyone else will think is stupid. She was talking about what she REALLY wants to do..which is go to the zoo. I was constantly trying to talk mari into going to the zoo. I LOVEEEEEE the zoo. hehe She hated it. I felt like I was MAKING her go, making her like the same things as me. And this girl, just out of the blue, wants to do everything I want to do, and go everywhere I want to go. I know ya'll prolly think im making a big think out of nothing...but this is just so amazing to me. Its like talking to someone who really gets me, talking to someone about things i really love and are passionate about. I mean she even studied wicca for goddess sake!!! What more can I ask for?? hehe Its the small nothingnesses that attract me to her.
But, we'll see..i dont want to make more out of this than it really is...and im trying not to get excited. hehe We're just friends. In fact, were still getting to know each other. Were still getting to BE friends. Its just weird how similiar we are, how well we get along, how smart she is (god she is sooooo smart...i was amazed with her and her facts and figures and words) So, yeah if nothing else comes out of this...i made a good friend and i found out that I can think of other women besides mari. Good for me!
hehe Tonight is girls night in..were gonna watch movies and pig out. *smile* I'm excited
But yeah...thats whats been going on with this girl *smile*