My life has been made

Sep 11, 2013 05:09

...I think it may be too late to adopt wallogirl since she's already twenty, but we just watched The Man Who Laughs together and she said this:

"I should thank you for all my life for showing me who Conrad Veidt was."

...I'm still not used to people sharing my obsessions and getting them. She also has a tendency to shoehorn Who references into everything and gushed at me for managing to find some sort of Whovian context about everything ever (hey, that's why Who is so awesome). Oh, and after TMWL, to make up for the epic heartbreak and emos, we had to go and watch various Torsten scenes from A Woman's Face. Because the sex pantherness helped. And there was much screaming and flailing at every bat of his evil lashes and every cunnilingus-soft cadence of that perfect bastard's voice. Again, is it too late to adopt her? It's like I've gained the little sister I've always wanted!

Also, I made something of importance. I don't usually do LGBT posts on the aikainkauna blog, but since this thing overlapped with two epic classic movies, I had to point it out. Also, clearly equally importantly, I managed to sum up Connie's entire sound movie career in one gifset.

In other news, too blurg to write today and I even have to stay up until morning to do stuff at human hours. I sense gifspams and really godawful tags are ahead.

conrad veidt, friends

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