15 movie questions meme

Sep 10, 2013 06:13

The 15 movie questions meme, snatched from the blogosphere. (Warning for ranting and bitching in parts, however, since this asks negative questions of stuff I don't like and why, and I can't not answer them truthfully.) Includes shiny pictures, because that seems to be a thing. Can do.

1. Movie you love with a passion.

This is a nightmare question! There are so many and I love them for such different reasons. Pretty much all the ones I've gushed about you are sick to death of. And I could choose great classics or frothy adventure movies or serious European drama or... IDK. Oh, fuckit, guess what? My blog, so I'm going to gush about Thor AGAIN.

BECAUSE THAT'S FUCKING BIFROST AND A LANDSCAPE IN A SCANDINAVIAN MIDNIGHT SUN LIGHTING, OKAY? *hyperventilates* It's just so full of perfect detail. Even stuff that's on the screen for the fraction of a second--like these buildings in Asgard--are gorgeous. It's a movie that shows some serious craft when it comes to... fuck, everything. And the direction and the acting and the mood and the editing are just splendid. It's so satisfying when it comes to the stories and the characters, yet it drowns you in visual beauty and discovery and oh, just... everything about it. I loved Branagh as a director before, but now I worship him because of this movie and how utterly beautiful it was. It has everything. Interesting characterisation, particularily in Loki who's the perfect Byronic hero (I still haven't seen Hiddles act as well in anything else I've seen him in, BTW); beautiful scenery and explosive SFX, good pacing, adventure, some swishy battle scenes, pretty costumes, fantastic variation of colour and lighting... it may not be a poncy, arty-farty movie, but it still has everything I could want from a film. It was such a pleasant surprise because I just expected a testosterone-laden popcorn movie, but I got fucking Shakespeare-as-a-graphic-novel instead. I have actually *cried* over how perfect it is. I could watch it over and over again.

2. Movie you vow to never watch.

There's a cynical part of me screaming that if I mention a single movie here, I'll end up watching it anyway. But I'm likely to not touch it with a bargepole if I hear it's got rape in it. I still have nightmares of such movies and wouldn't recommend them to any other women either. There's quite fucking enough of that particular horror IRL, thankyouverymuch.

3. Movie that literally left you speechless.

The Fountain.

Holy fucking shit. As with Thor and The Fall, I *really* wish I'd been able to see it at the cinema. It was a spiritual experience. It turned me inside out.

4. Movie you always recommend.

Right now, of course, A Woman's Face.

Anyone who knows me will have heard at least half a dozen reasons why from "Kickarse outsider female character" to "Fucking awesome dialogue" to "Because Torsten Barring." I've been honing my one huge ultimate review post of it, and hopefully you should be seeing it here soon. Watch this space.

5. Actor/actress you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie.

Well, I've pretty much watched everything this talented little shit has been in and travelled across Europe only to see him on stage--*twice* (and would do it again in a heartbeat, especially if he did more Shakespeare)...

...but after I broke #2 for him and seriously fucking wish I hadn't, I'm not such a completist any longer. #2 is the reason I haven't even seen Kreuzzug des Weibes (one of the world's earliest pro-choice films, with Connie in) yet. I've watched almost any old crap with those two, but... yeah, Simm burned me out because most of his stuff makes me want to slit my wrists. I could never finish the Hiddles and Cucumber marathons I'd planned, and Tenninch started doing mediocre or bad stuff with endless frowning, and that's seriously been harshing my passion for him. Again, my sanity comes first--I've spent so many years being bloody miserable and am so easily plunged into horrible anxiety that life is just way too short to be watching depressing shit.

6. Actor/actress you don’t get the appeal for.

How long a list would you like? The last time I said Martin Freeman was overrated, I got people yelling at me. No, sorry, he's still overrated. To date, I still haven't seen him play anyone except himself, but I'll be happy once he does. Will I get people yelling at me if I say Christian Bale is overrated *and* a cunt to boot? And how I can't really understand Michael Fassbender's appeal if he's a fucking wifebeater? And how people seem to forgive RDJ his douchebagginess as well? They'd never fucking forgive the tiniest flaw if it was an actress, I'm sure, Jesus, she gains a pound and her career is ruined. But if it's a guy the fangirls fancy, it seems to be ok to forgive him everything. There. Is that enough of me being an arsehole about your favourites for one meme? I hope so.

7. Actor/actress, living or dead you'd love to meet.

There are a couple. Although whenever I imagine doing so, I always imagine they'd hate me or ignore me. Of the people who are actually alive, I get the feeling that if I hit it off with Mark Gatiss...

...we could sit and talk for hours about telefantasy, old horror films, the 17th century and all kinds of cool stuff. I'm still *frightened* how many interests I share with that guy. He must be my long-lost brother, he must be. But he'd probably sneer at me down his nose and snark at me and think I was some godawful fag hag:(

8. Sexiest actor/actress you've seen.

Can I just single out two of the most sizzling performances instead?

Isabelle Adjani in La Reine Margot.

I saw the film in my mid-teens and I still haven't seen another woman this gorgeous on my screen, although many have come close. I think it's just her in that particular movie and its atmosphere and its colours and its direction and its everything, because like so many strong divas, she can be cold in some other films, even if she is an astonishingly gifted actress. I'm sure there are some actresses who are constantly sultrier and sexier. But when she plays a Renaissance nymphomaniac queen... just... wow. It left a lasting impression on me and I still find it hard to even compute Margot's beauty. She's *unreal*.

And I don't think I even need to tell you who this gentleman is and what this movie is called.

I had to pause to take screencaps and my heart actually started to gallop. Even if I've seen this movie and especially his scenes a bazillion times. Although Connie's sexy, of course, encompasses pretty much all his roles to the point where it's genuinely disturbing and might even get in the way of a movie's believability if the director hasn't kept a tight rein on him. He wasn't acting the sex, wasn't just playing the sexually overwhelming guy: it was *himself* bleeding through. No other male actor has ever blazed with this amount of eroticism, and I've seen some pretty slutty guys on the screen in my time. I find it hard to understand how in the fuck I've had crushes on so many movie villains and whatnot over my entire life and then this guy comes and blows them all away. If he didn't fucking inspire their very existence in the first place, that is! He strutted in, laughed at all my previous screen infatuations and showed me what true dark Romanticism and what true fetishes were about. Did I mention it honestly is genuinely disturbing?

Also, I know he's older in that film and thus you totally won't get the sexy until you watch it, so have an extra cap of when he was at his prettiest, aka in The Student of Prague (1926):

Because if that level of male pretty is not Milton's Lucifer freshly fallen from the heavens, I don't know what is. I guess pale, black-haired, blue-eyed, femme and tragic is my type in both women and men.

9. Dream cast.

Well, as you guys remember, I had this thought up for a silent version of Doctor Who... and I still want to see something where John Simm gets to act opposite Suranne Jones AND it's not too incredibly depressing. I just want to see those two together so much. That, and can we please go back and do a silent premake of Thor with Connie as Loki and Wilhelm Dieterle as Thor and Albert Bassermann as Odin and have it directed by F.W. Murnau? Kthx.

10. Favorite actor pairing.

I presume that since the dream cast thing was a... dream, this should mean pairings that actually existed? A lot of my favourites are television ones. So I'm presuming they don't count. So. Hmm. Bogie'n'Bacall, obvs.

Because it's great to see chemistry like that. Gah! This one is difficult! Seriously, all my favourite double acts are on the telly.

Also, I would've quite loved to have seen two of the most beautiful people on screen ever in a movie that wasn't actually rubbish because will you just fucking look at them:

It's an ancient panther demon guarding a radiant motherfucking goddess. How in the hell they could waste beauty and talent like that, I just don't know.

11. Favorite movie setting.

Hardcore period drama with lots of swords and blood and tits and historical accuracy and no modern rubbish whatsoever. Fantasy/sci-fi. Gothic horror. Basically, I just want to live in a Hammer movie if that's okay.

The questions:
1. Movie you love with a passion.
2. Movie you vow to never watch.
3. Movie that literally left you speechless.
4. Movie you always recommend.
5. Actor/actress you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie.
6. Actor/actress you don’t get the appeal for.
7. Actor/actress, living or dead, you’d love to meet.
8. Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen.
9. Dream cast.
10. Favorite actor pairing.
11. Favorite movie setting.

isabelle adjani, john simm, memery, the fountain, movies, conrad veidt, tom hiddleston, memery: fannish, the student of prague, mark gatiss, la reine margot, hammer horror, a woman's face, thor

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