Same old, same old

Dec 24, 2012 04:28

-It actually pains me how much I want stuff like Der Mann Der Den Mord Beging (synopsis in the first scan here) to show up restored on DVD and with English subs because omg. The world needs more beautifully angsting romantic officers being quiet and meditative and beautiful and and and. Yet few people will ever see that film because it doesn't exist anywhere with English subs, and some of it doesn't survive but damn, I keep going back to it because of the gorgeously understated acting and angsting from mah beautiful panther. Even though it's emotionally painful to watch a guy be quiet and patient while watching a woman's life fall apart with her abusive husband and all the arseholes she's surrounded by. But the actiiiing. I also want a remake, with Daev. Because he'd be perfect for the role.

-Speaking of Daevs, Spies of Warsaw had better be good. He'd better not be a complete douche. Gimme, BBC. Gimme. All these clips I've seen promise so much steamy and scantily-clad Daev action I can't contain myself. Hnnnghghgghgh.

-Christmas dinner with the folks and the sister's family today. Have made epic gluten-free, lactose-free and low-carb casseroles which frankly taste a bazillion times better than the starchy additive-filled crap ones everybody usually gets in the shops. Shall see how it goes and whether the wee nephew will actually enjoy his.

-Still dithering about writing. I don't like this. Too many fic ideas and too many WIPs. I should really just get off my arse and write *something*. But I don't know whether to focus on the fic that's a compilation of porny images in the form of a series of steamy love letters or the one that's about hard shagging in the wilderness or the one that's more spiritually oriented (with steamy sex, of course) or the one that's a bit stalkery or oh fuck, I give up. I'm probably best off with the love letters one (because it's like a series of short pornfics) but I need oomph to write it down. And I'm out of oomph. And time. Because omg, there are actually people around right now who want to watch sex panther films with me and how can I refuse that? It's almost like having a life.

-Oh, I forget. I will be unwrapping that Blu-Ray of Thief of Bagdad today |-) and I need to find methods of capping and ripping it for screenshots and gifs, pronto. What do people use to make screencaps of Blu-Rays? The copy protection on most is bloody ridiculous. And it's surprisingly hard to find good, up-to-date info on how to do that stuff--I've tried a couple of players but they've all removed the screencap option in their current versions. *shakes fist* There had also better be a VirtualDub plugin or I will send djinn after people's arses.

conrad veidt, daaaaaaaaaaaaave

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