
Nov 09, 2012 18:23

-...so, has anyone managed to grab this John Simm interview from behind the Times paywall, or...? Although it looks like another one of those excruciating ones that just focuses on why he hasn't had more awards and makes him look grumpy and whiny, even though I'm sure he's not as grumpy and whiny as most of those interviews make him out to be. (If he says he hates cats one more time, though, I'm duct taping mine to his face.) [ETA: Ah, here. And I knew it, he was worried that he was moaning too much!]

-I should be doing more writing but I'm procrastinating again. Oh, damn this longfic. When I've got porn to write, I think of gen bits, and when I've got gen bits to write, I keep thinking of porn. Damn. And I'm really not one of those writers who can work in a patchwork style; I have to do stuff chronologically or else I'll go mad. I mean, I hone everything to hell and back *anyway*, so writing scenes out of order would just increase the workload even more.

-Also, found this adorable promo/trailer for All Through The Night which starts with Bogie as himself. "Mr. Bogart! Mr. Bogart!" (I still want a spinoff with Ebbing and Pepi, though; one where they get thwarted in their failnazi plans every week and get to talk German together and be adorable. I mean, Veidt/Lorre were BFFs in real life, and you could tell they would've made a fantastic double act had they given them more movies together. But I digress.)

-I have been thinking of writing a long post about how all political considerations aside, I love camp villains and how it would make me sad if villains stopped being fabulous and exuding seductive slashy menace and became as boringly straight as the heroes, but I'll probably do that later. Especially when one of the latest articles to bemoan that mentioned Casablanca and that'd just mean I'd never shut up about the layers of sexual and moral ambiguity in that movie. And then I'd go on forever about Loki, too.

-Also, speaking of sexual ambiguity, Dave guest starring in The Clone Wars and talking about lightsabers.

-And I think I've included pretty much all of my harem in this post, so that's clearly a sign I've run out of ideas and should get off my arse and get back to writing.

humphrey bogart, peter lorre, conrad veidt, daaaaaaaaaaaaave, teh simm

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