Thanks to
this page, I can now pinpoint the date on which Doctor Who stole my soul. Handy.
Apparently on 17 April 1999, the Ribos Operation was on BBC Prime and I ceased to have a life. I remember that time they also showed the TVM and 30 Years in the TARDIS soon after and they just fanned my enthusiasm for this amazing silly show (yes, the TVM actually inspired new fannishness in some people, can you imagine? I blame McGann). Although mostly I should probably blame Robert Holmes and Douglas Adams for hooking me with the lols, and Tom being hilarious and Romana being smart and awesome.
And since they started showing The Keeper of Traken on 22 July 2000, that should be the start date of my obsession with the Master, then. Or maybe 12th of August since he only emerges in the last episode and that's where he starts fondling the Doctor and turns into Ainley? Ah, I should put down 22 July anyway in my calendar anyhow because unf, Melkur.
There's this meme going round on Tumblr saying that a crush only lasts four years, max, and that after that you must be truly in love (apparently these things are measurable by popular science, she said sarcastically). So, basically, this intense 13-year relationship counts as some sort of common-law marriage, right? In some sort of bizarre polygamous fashion because of regeneration, too? And where my space husbands have kind of killed each other a couple of times but what's a little murder between friends, eh?
Also, that gangly Scottish bloke has been part of the harem for seven years now. Remember this gloriously camp moment?
Jesus Christ. Where does time go?