What happened after End of Time part 1

Apr 02, 2011 18:40

I'll just leave this here.

Tumblr is a veritable goldmine of Doctor/Master and Dave/John pervy gif mashups these days. So I've already made a couple (there's a more NSFW one with a naked Simmy here). Help.

I honestly don't know how vidders can do this kind of thing with a bazillion scenes, I can't o_O. I could never have the patience for that sort of thing (but then, I'm a perfectionist, so even the simpler stuff takes me ages). Just splicing two together is crazymaking enough.

I am so tempted to make really, really evil ones with gay porn edited in. Please stop me.

Tumblr version.

doctor who, |-), timecock, porn gifs, animation, doctor/master, photoshop

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