Been a bit wibblity today, but I blame PMS and reading Ingrid Pitt's autobiography. In fact, it was so engaging that I read the entire book in one day. She really pulls you in. What an amazing life she had! I definitely recommend it, even though the bits where she describes growing up in a concentration camp are obviously full of nightmarish horrors. (And what makes them even more angst-inducing is this big surge of outright neo-Nazism that's sweeping Europe and creeping the living shit out of me. You can tell it's been too long since WWII because even in liberal places like Scandinavia, extreme right-wing nuts get seats in parliaments.) But anyway. Ingrid. Next time you watch something of hers and she says he haz ze bearing ov a gott something very huskily, remember that that huskiness was the result of childhood injuries and severe, scarring TB she contracted while running from the Nazis in the snow when she was nine years old, after three years of starving in a concentration camp. Dude. Oh yeah, and as a teenager she fucking swam from East Berlin to the West. Bloody hell, what a life. And of course, she had moments of epic lols as well, like when she was randomly flashing members of the Hammer production crew and calling her boobs "Tom and Jerry". And how she repeatedly dropped her fangs into Kate O'Mara's cleavage while killing her in The Vampire Lovers. I was laughing or crying most of the time when I was reading the book. It's emotional reading, especially now that such an amazing woman is gone. I don't think I've been this sad over an actor's passing since Anthony Ainley died. She was amazing.
Also, someone was selling Delgado!Master's timearse on eBay for cheap and I caved. When I took him out of the packaging, it was a moment of joy and celebration. TOGETHER AT LAST.
I promise photos of the most evil man-train in the history of the universe once I can acquire an Ainley. Me, I think Character Options should bring out a pinkdress!Master for a complete set.
Also, go vote for the Sheffield Crucible Hamlet for Best Regional Production in the What's On Stage awards.
Now. I think Cucumberpatch is also nominated for something.
Anyway. Antibiotics are kicking my arse and I'm thirsty as fuck all the time, so I shall go and investigate moar fizzy water.