I got a belated birthday Box of Love from
She is better at drawing grouseys than I am, now. o_O And that sticker fits all too well. *g*
The rest of the contents included STICKMANS! :) Moar pics under the cut.
This is Persia!Master and... er... Girl!Ten. They turned out fucking hysterical. I love Girl!Ten's pipecleaner boobs and the fact that Persia!Master's entire figure is in the shape of a long robe. *gggggg*
His head also keeps falling off. Noki kissed it better. The Master seemed to enjoy it. "Mmmm... |-)"
She also included an EoT!Master who was holding a very sexy daffodil. This was most disturbing. As I'd suspected, he tried to have his evil way with it O_O
There was also a hilarious Ten with a matching tie and he had a pair of adorable spex! But he, too, seemed like he was about to molest poor, innocent flowers. His, of course, was a perfect daisy.
And then they all done sex.
There was more loveliness, but more of that anon. She sent me lots of doodles and some prints of Persia artwork, which you shall see when the time is right:q. And I also got a silly T-shirt and ginger noms and and and IT WAS A HUGE BOX OF LOVE! I feel very loved now. :) I'm sending her a wee Ganesha in return this week, because he was the god responsible for writing epics and well, Teh Pammich is nothing if not an epic writer:q.
And now I've got to flumph. *flops down in a happy pile*