Good actors in shit telly and my highly interesting health

Aug 15, 2010 23:50

-Have tried watching To The Ends of the Earth and I still do fucking hate hate hate hate hate William "by the way, humans are complete fucking arseholes and let's show it in all its grotesque, brutal glory" Golding. I'm starting to wonder if a naked Benny Thundersnatch (which even Blogtor Who are now calling him, BTW) is worth it. I don't think it is. I'll post a screencap of Cumberbitch's naked arse if needs be so other people don't need to watch a festival of piss, puke, shit and brutal bullying and generally people being arseholes at each other. It's not great literature, son; it just makes me want to go out on a murdering rampage.

There, I've fulfilled my duty. (Nice thigh muscles, BTW.)

-In more actorly stuff, I see that clip of Rex Is Not Your Lawyer surfaced and oh god, that was shit. Especially The Dave's accent. What the fuck, Tenninch? Why do you sound like Charlie Sheen who's swallowed a Sean Connery? What? I... what? They could've just let him do RP? I imagine this was his decision, since he was co-producing and all? Dave, what? All in all, it looks like exactly the sort of fucking annoying US show I wouldn't want to watch anyway. So I'm very very glad that he's now free to do various different kinds of dramas. Now if someone could only tell him not to try and break into Hollywood with godawful crap. While he's still got, y'know, a career and shit.

-I had the most awful Herxheimer reaction to some coconut milk last night. Basically, coconut oil kills a cubic fuckton of bad bacteria and other bugs in your body and when all the wee baddies die off, you get the shits. Most of the time, that stuff has made me feel warm and it's really kicked my metabolism into gear (apparently it helps your thyroid and shit and it's also helped me lose weight), but I've never had such a nausea/crapstorm/general ugh attack from it. Ah well, I'm better now, but that was slightly hardcore. My arse felt like it had been fisted by Rassilon. Grouse in a detox shocka! The bird who lays coconuts instead of eggs! Read all about it!

Yes, I'm sure you all needed to read that. I'm better now. versaphile has prescribed tiny icy Masterheads for my bottom, but I suspect it's just her bum-ice fetish. Thank your lucky stars my tablet is no longer attached to the lappy, 'cos I'd be drawing that otherwise.

Ah well. Must investigate lunch.

cumberbitch, daaaaaaaaaaaaave, tmi

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