-The strangest effect of going hardcore low-carb again is that the added fat drives my cat nuts. o_O This is probably because I've been using a lot of coconut oil for cooking and as a moisturiser, and Noki's been licking it off my hands every time I have applied it! And she never licks people at all. So it must be delicious to cats as well. Even now, she's trying to stalk me because she wants to lick my plate clean! I've run out of Orijen and her regular kibble doesn't have enough good fats for her skin/fur, so I suppose it's just good for her. Now that I'm googling it, loads of people seem to be giving it to their pets.
-I've been upping the fats this week because apparently I still don't get enough, and it seems to have helped. I need to eat less often and can go on for longer on one meal. And I *finally* got a good night's sleep last night after having been bloated and stressed all week, so that's done me a world of good as well. Today's morning weight was 1.1 kg (3 lbs) less than yesterday :O
-I've also been sampling
Dreamfields low GI pasta and it's fantastic. It doesn't taste any different to any high-quality pasta. It's kind of a miracle to have a heap of pasta on my plate and not get an insulin spike from it. \o/ And the inulin fibre keeps hunger away for aaaages, I've noticed. The only tricky thing is that you can't boil it for longer than 10 minutes (I usually stick to 7 or 8 minutes) because if it gets squishy and is no longer al dente, whatever cooking wizardry thingy they've done with the fibres to isolate the starchy carbs with will break down and it will give you that insulin spike. And of course, it's a rare treat, because you can eat a mountain of healthy vegetables instead for the same amount of carbs, and it makes much more sense to eat veggies than pasta. But as an occasional treat, it's yummy.
-I'd better start watching it or soon I'll start to enjoy cooking or something. I'm okay with it right now, since I'm not hormonally compromised at the moment (think that only happens for one week per month these days, grumble grumble) and have a bit more energy. Even though all my energy seems to be going into the damn cooking. Today, I made mince with tomato puree, soft cheese, creme fraiche, sliced mushrooms and chopped asparagus and cooked it all in ridiculous amounts of coconut oil. And it only ended up having 4 carbs per serving. I'm as full as can be. o_O
-Now I've got to investigate green tea (is it all it's cracked up to be?) and read more Annika Dahlqvist.
therru, have you read her "Doktor Dahlqvist's guide till bättre hälsa och viktkontroll"? I found the Finnish translation in the library today and it seems pretty good. I should throw it at my parents so the perfectly normaleweight maternal unit might be persuaded off her torturous low-calorie diets.