PICS: Stick overload! (Ten/Simm!Master, NSFW, crack, crossposted)

Jun 05, 2010 05:24

The sticks are here again! This time, the boys experiment with fashion, zappy lightning, travel to 17th century England and spend a few days as various animals. Also includes cameos from Eleven and Amy and portraits of all the Doctors as feathery fluffballs. Ayup, it's a post with extra fluffeh and cute in animal form, but without any pesky allergens! Come on in!

This post seems to have turned animal-heavy, so might as well start with this: the boys as kitties!<3

HIS LITTERBOX IS DIMENSIONALLY TRANSCENDENTAL. And the Master yaks at birdies outside.

HOT GAY MONKEY SEX. I can't remember who requested this one, but it was great fun to draw. 'ave a banana!

The boys with flaming haloes. And the Master is always Teh Fashun.

The Master's zappity energy can power lightbulbs, he can draw on an iPad without hands and he pbhtbthhs in the face of Angels. What a hero.

Yes, yes, this has Grouse'n'Versaphile birdies being treated by the boys again, but it has to be included because Nurse Ten still keeps cracking me the fuck up. He turned so idiotically happy in this one. This is one of my favourite doodles of the past few months.

This is what happens when you let the Master on the internets. Don't do it, kids.

Pam gets a snowglobe with the boys in. Also, my prediction of what'll happen at the end of S5. I DRAWEDE MY FIRST ELEVENTY, ZOMG.

PUPPETS! Their buttscooty ways are a a thing of joy forever.

Y'all have seen all those Doctor Who owls that have been doing the rounds, yeah? I thought I'd make a version with grouseys. Here's a sketch of what they might end up looking like (I'm frightened how well Seven, Eight and Eleven turned out):

Oh, look. A random arty sketch of Ten blowing the Master. Now how did this get here? *cough*

The Master likes to put a golden butt egg up his favourite slave. It's also got a bell inside. Also, Sam Tyler/Peter Carlisle lovings and, um... a bathtub fulla Daves. They are very therapeutic.

The best car wash would be the sort that would only have Daves. Washing your car while wearing white, soaking underwear. Oh yes;)

And then these brush-type things come and WASH YOUR CAR WITH THE AMAZING POWERS OF DAVEHAIR.

Zappy!Master plays Zeus:

To paraphrase Rumi: lovers don't just meet--they are in each other all along:). Also Sam/Peter and writery Pam. And Daveseal. And my cat is pissed off at the sketchbook cutting into her snuggletiems, again.

The lovely pineapple_sky requested stix and I snailmailed her a couple of pages. First, she wanted the boys to dress up as bunnies (is this one yiffy stickpost or what?):

Then, the boys indulged in some yummy spa treatments (to be fair, I'm sure herbal enemas weren't on her mind, but this is them, so... yeah):

And finally, she wanted the boys to meet Sexby in 17th century England!

That's all for now. I'll be posting doodles for versaphile's Sam Tyler/Peter Carlisle fic, Southport, soon. If you haven't read the fic yet, I'm definitely recommending it:q. Thanks for looking at the piccies and hope you liked 'em!

drawings (dw), drawings, doctor who, timecock, doctor/master, crack

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