Yup, it's time for more timecockdoodles. Re-enactings of famous paintings, tentacle porn, breadfuckery, quiz shows, pirates, blingy bikinis and Stonehenge await!
The boys re-enact famous paintings. PacMasters for everyone.
Adventures on the high seas!
45eugenia suggested that instead of a busty mermaid, they could challenge the sea with... er... giant timebits, so that even the sea goes "dayum". And stick!Ten's hair so often looks like a crown...
The Prydonian chapter take part in University Universal Challenge (yes, those are baby Rani and baby Monk on the team). And Koschei is a dick. But we know this.
Oh yeah, moar Jenny porn. *cough*
And BREAAAAAAAD. The Master's lust knows no bounds. Flash a muffin at him and he'll love you forever.
I can't even remember how this came about, but it was something to do with Daves living in
versaphile's back garden and them having to fight the squirrels and the neighbour's cat for food.
But once you tame them, you can use them as house Daves. With varying levels of success.
Errr, yeah, I hadn't been feeling too good. But, um, depressed angsty dying Tens soon turned into blingy ones.
reasonabsurd tried to cheer me up by telling me to imagine Ten wearing
this. So, I did. And then Gene suggested I should do mirrorverse versions of the guys. Good!Master being tortured by Evil!Doctor was therapeutic, I must say.
Geen's dog discovers the internet. The boys discover fly swatters, aubergines and Stonehenge.
Continuing with the fine tradition of
versaphile/Daves=OTP, have DAVEFURNITURE and Daveappliances and a garden of Timeyness.
The boys when kept as pets by aliens! The Master as
Nataraja! And the last panel is the ultimate solution to Simm!Master showing up again. Just sing Bowie at him and he'll throw himself off the nearest roof.
I don't know what the fuck Pam was smoking when she doodled this in Scriblink: a random squid with a MASTER HEAD and an inexplicable turban on him. The Persiaverse doesn't have squids... yet. But SQUIDMASTER IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING EVER WITH ITS WEE SLURPY FACE AND IT IS ABOUT TO EAT FISH!DOCTOR. (Click for bigger) Oh, and the Master is only weeing on Medusa!Doctor to neutralise the sting.
And that resulted in various tributes from yours truly: I started out doodling random mask kink but then the damn squid slurped its way onto the page and wouldn't leave me alone.
And um, this happened. I had been watching way too much Boosh.
Ten and the Master relive the joys of childhood: reading comics under the covers, snuggling and swimming! Also, magnetic bums. And random Persia.
Birds. Moar Pam/Ten. Slurpitude. And
Abu Nuwas! He was a medieval Persian poet of awesome who wrote about bumming and wanking and boozing and philosophy (I just read a collection of his work and was much impressed by his wit). He was made of so much win he was immortalised in The Thousand and One Nights. He was the Oscar Wilde of his time, pretty much, and remains a controversial figure to this day. Check him out if you can.
Um, the top left thing is an answer to a meme that asked which naughty inanimate object I'd like to be reincarnated as (yes, I was feeling flippant). Aaand Ten gives a presentation on how to deal with the Master, sexy style.