-Got snailmailspammed by
versaphile today. I GOTSES TIEMCOCKS and PEACOCKS. And a cubic fuckton of candy. She sent me all sorts: hard and soft and chocolatey and toffee-y and crumbly and and and there were these AMAZING ginger biscuits that were just foodgasmic. It's times like these when I really hate having stupid hyperinsulinemia, because I could only sample a few before I started feeling a bit ug. Plus, American candy is much sweeter than Finnish candy (even though you'd think there wouldn't be that much of a difference since it's sodding *candy*), so I hit my sugar limit pretty fast. But ohhh, there's some lovely nummy stuff here. And the few times I can indulge, the sweet treats are much better when it's something that's from a friend, of course.
As for the tiemcock, there was a SPARE MASTER in the package! I'd only had the Yana!clothes Simm Master before, but now I have two. It was love at first shag:
And Ten was blindfolded, so he didn't know what the fuck:
But of course, they double-teamed him afterwards. And held hands. While strangling the Doctor with the blindfold. Nothing says true love like double anal and asphyxiation. (And sigh, yeah, the black suit Master is covered in cat hair. This is inevitable.)
Pam even doodled me a little grouse! I think that's probably even more hysterical than the ones I draw myself.
And the envelope also had Ten/Simm and Five/Ainley of love.
And this describes the contents of the package perfectly: peacock tail Master and noms of various sorts:D.
And to go with the Persiaverse and the Master's fondness for peacock feathers and peacock frocks: a wee fluffy peacock handpuppet!
I didn't know what the hell I was going to do with one, but Noki found him and fell in love with him! She hardly ever licks or grooms anyone except herself, but she was instantly sniffing and headbutting and cuddling and licking the little thing. I managed to snap a few photos. I think it felt like a fluffy kitten or something?
"Hello there, little friend!" *sniff sniff*
I put the box away and tucked the peacock inside, and, well. Cats+boxes=OTP, even more so when there are interesting fluffy little things inside. *sniff sniff purr purr*
She rummaged around in the box and purred like MAD. At one point it looked like she was giving Mister Peacock a ride: HURR PHURR HURR RURR HURR. KRUK.
And then she groomed him some more:
It was still dark, so I had to use flash and the pics turned out a bit crappy. But this one had Noki still purring and sitting in the box and guarding her new BFF.
reasonabsurd, take note:
this is Pam playing with the puppets. And bein' evil. SOON THE LITTLE GUYS WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
Aaaand then I got a huge stack of awesome stickman doodles, which she should post on her own LJ at some point. Should. And I should post mine. And and and and. I feel weird and fluey today (it might also be the insulin ug) but I'm also going to Helsinki, I think and and and and and IDK, TIMEPEACOCKS. *flumps*