Linkz0rz and Daaaaaaaaaaaave vicar porn

Aug 13, 2009 06:59

Via spacefall: Holmes/Watson clip compilation of utter, hilarious, slashy win. Not shagging. Not shagging. Nope. Not shagging. Ever. *g* I love how the vid takes clips from so many various Holmes/Watson movies and series; it's really impressive. And hilarious.

Touchable Hologram Becomes Reality. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah, thought so. Hologram porn, here we come!

It seems to be Timeladyboy week here: there's a disturbing painting of Tom Baker on a set of View-Master slides from 1980. He looks like he's got lipstick and blusher on. And I love the random pointing. "Excuse me, I need to go and powder my nose before I can face this great peril."

And have some Daves while I'm at it:

OH, CHRIST. Please help me. I was watching He Knew He Was Right and died of noms for The Dave. Rev. Gibson is a div, but thank fuck he's there as comic relief, because the rest of the thing was so bloody depressing. (Did anyone else want to wring the necks of the main characters? I did.) But. It was worth it for the great music and THE DAVE doing lots of his trademark exasperated TGAH NGAH TNUGH noises.

The vicar is a pimp!

There aren't many things as win as Dave spooning white sticky stuff into his mouf. HELL YES.

Flushed and confused porn. Did I mention flushed? And the pink lips? God, he looked so young in 2004 and and and he's utterly ravishable.

And he's such a douche. But so many people in this are.

And that crazy tongue is everywhere.


AND BLESS DAVE'S COMEDY SKILLZ. I loved this bit when he was just gaping like a fish and making exasperated Davenoises and I had to pause the file because I was laughing way too hard. It's up here and I may have watched it about a billion times now.

He should get more comedic roles, because he's fucking brilliant at the "WHAT THE SHIT" faces. Also fuckable, did I mention that? I may or may not have been thinking about that mouth a lot today and all the various ways in which it could become even more flushed. We need unexpected Victorian Simm, stat.


And then he makes blowjob faces and handjob hands at the same time and gasps. Stressed!Gibson is the best.

And yeah, tongue and fag action at the same time? Porn.

Did I mention I love his wonky eyes?

And then he ruffles his hair.

In a rather Doctorish way.

I even took a clip, because n'aww.

He really isn't good with human wimmins.

And by the end of it, he's still looking fresh and pink and nommable. THIS IS OF THE GOOD.

holmes/watson, i kick ass for the lord, timeladyboys, interesting links, take me i am a time lord, slutboi alien tease, picspam, all aboard the unf-unf train, timecock, hello vicar, daaaaaaaaaaaaave, tom baker is god, needs moar daves

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