Cat spam

Jul 11, 2009 18:22

As threatened, cat pickshurz!

Proof that Noki can reach the windowsill while standing up: it didn't take her long to grab that vitamin treat. She loves patting things off tables and shelves, so I'm indulging her natural Longcat instincts.

This is a bit dark, but proof that she really does follow me everywhere. I took this while sitting on the bog (with my shorts on, mind) and she plonked herself down on an empty toilet roll bag, making a nest in it, waiting for me to finish my non-business. I'm told she does this with everyone else, too, if she's staying at someone's place. She wants to make sure you are all right. That, and she sometimes needs me to come in with her when she's using the litterbox. Apparently it's dangerous to use the toilet alone.

And she's taken over the armchair again. The summer has been so hot that her fur has become much, much shorter and now you can see an actual cat shape when you look at her face, not just a ball of fluff with two yellow eyes. And she only looks that grumpy because she hates the flash--I don't seem to be able to take any pictures of her when she's making big cute kitten eyes:(. So you'll get yet another "nnyeeesss, minion?" face. CAAAT FACE, she's got a big cat faaace.

And Mister Master thinks he looks very dashing when posing naked next to a large, dangerous beast. It emphasises his own sexybitchiness. "I am like a big cat. Wait, I used to be one. See? It's in my blood." While Noki is staring at an inviting, large cardboard box out of shot and contemplating whether it'd be fun to toss it around the room for lols.

More to follow, I suppose. The camera on the new phone is pretty good--about as good as my old digicam. So, that is of the win. And since I've finally got a lappy/mobile combo where both are advanced enough for Bluetooth, I'm making the most of it and sending loads of pictures back and forth. The new phone is like a tiemcock; I can't stop fiddling with it.

puppetlove, timecock, photo posts, mister master sparkles, the black beast of aaaaargh, cat posts, picspam

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