Mar 28, 2009 19:41
If you are a Ten/Rose shipper, I have no idea why the fuck you are still reading this. I'm not even interested in having conversations with you, because what that Mary Sue bitch and her batshit, hacking, virus-emailing ship jihad fans have done to Who and fandom are frankly fucking offensive. If you actually like storylines like that and characters like that, you are approaching the whole damn fandom from a whole different planet from where I'm standing. That is especially true if you are only into the new series and don't give a fuck about the old one--saying "I really should watch more of the old stuff" is bullshit if you can never be arsed to find the old stories *anyway*. I'm fucking oldskool. I see the Doctor and the Master from that perspective. They're very different characters to the shallow kids they're portrayed as in the new series--they had more dignity and intelligence the further back you went in the series' history, for fuckssakes. I'm not watching Who for romance (one of the reasons I got into it was because the women weren't in it as romantic interests and because that crap didn't get in the way of pure adventure) and can't stand explicit canon shipping, *especially* if it means textbook Mary Sues coming in and changing the whole direction of the show and reducing characters I love into fucking idiots. That's just shit writing and fetishising some offensive fucking storylines and behaviours, and frankly, showing that you squee over offensive shit is incredibly off-putting. If you come in and comment with icons of Rose licking her teeth and being oh-so-in-love and saying "lololol, I haven't even seen the episodes* you are talking about" [*because n00bs never fucking use the term "serial" or "story" and seem to think something with several episodes in it is actually an "episode"], it just makes you look like a fuckwit. Fanfic and fanart and fan rambles are based on *context*, and you can't even bothered to find out the context of what the fuck I'm talking about. Which makes you like an ignorant idiot who doesn't give a shit, and not like the sort of person I'd even want to have discussions with. What's the fucking point of commenting on a serial or an incarnation or characters you haven't even fucking *seen*?
Note that I'm not talking about people who got into the show through the new series and are actively seeking out old serials and getting into them and watching them--we all have to start somewhere. I'm just talking about people who can't be bothered with the old stuff and think it doesn't matter, when the old stuff is what matters the most to me. It's so fucking different but people don't seem to get that. And if you can't get past wobbly sets or crap SFX in order to appreciate a good story, and prefer lazily written, emotionally six-year old twats because the effects are better, I don't think we have that much in common. Yes, the old series wasn't always brilliant, but at least it wasn't as repeatedly fucking offensive and insulting to the viewers' intelligence as the new lowest-common-denominator shite is. *Especially* the Rose crap, because that's most insulting thing of all--it's a disservice to the format and the characters themselves. If you really dig that sort of thing, we don't have that much in common in the first place, so all you're doing is just making me uncomfortable and pissed off when you flaunt your ignorance. "Lololol, this is so camp and shit" comments can be incredibly painful to read if the other person finds something really awesome and meaningful and happymaking in the same TV show or story--it's the same as with any fandom. Yes, taste does enter into it and we all like different things, but if I had a flatmate who I knew hated my taste in music, I'd use headphones, and I'd expect them to extend me the same courtesy. And I won't even go into the Pertwee vs. McCoy fanwars here, I won't. Who fandom is probably the fucking worst when it comes to people having wildly differing opinions on various eras of the show, and end up hurting each other over it. I've just had enough of it for one lifetime, I really have. Again, I don't fucking get why anyone would want a h8er on their flist anyway, especially if said h8er explicitly mentioned she is suspicious of anyone digging pairings she can't stand and which would be associated with excessive trolling and wank.
And again, I wouldn't give a shit if it wasn't pushed on me, by TPTB and by fandom and by people going fucking *on* about how I should love the shit writing the way they do, in comments and Teaspoon reviews and all over the fucking place. And people commenting at me with nothing but fucking Rose icons. That bitch makes my fucking blood boil, so *don't*. "Hi! I love things that you find offensive! I shall now flaunt something you hate! By the way, I don't care about what you like and don't know what you are talking about when you mention Roger Delgado! I shall now friend you even if you asked me not to, because you'll looooove my Ten/Rose beach icons! Please friend me back?" Um... no, thanks?
In summary, everything needs more Troughton.
leave me the fuck alone,
bloody n00bs,
grumpy old bitch,
being a fucking wanker