Shipping meehm

Mar 15, 2009 13:27

From lastblazes:

1) My first ship was:
Uh. That's hard to say. Probably me/various characters. Slash-wise, might have been Mulder/Krycek, but I was never all that crazy about them. Not the way I have been about other, later ships.

2) My newest ship is:
Ummm. Sexby/Rainsborough isn't *that* new, but I still need to write it. Even a short ficlet. Because, damn it. But but but I'd have to make it all melancholy and angsty and that's a difficult enough atmoshpere to create, and I would need to write with slightly old-fashioned English, and I'm not all that confident as to whether I could get the pitch right. Ho hum.

3) I used to ship:
Mulder/Krycek, Darth Maul/Obi-Wan (shutit, Sith Academy FTW).

4) I never used to ship:
The big popular het ships? The friendly ships? I very soon went for the love/hate ones, whether it was slash or het. And in B7dom, whereas Avon is a complete spacewhore who shags anyone, I am iffy about shipping him with people who deserve better (like Vila or Cally) because he's such a dickhead. So I mostly ship him with Blake and Tarrant and Soolin because they can be super-bitchy right back at him.

5) Everyone I know ships:
Not everyone ships the same pairings. But, um... I seem to have lots of Sam/Gene and Doctor/Master people on my flist? But then I have people who don't do Who and some people who only do gen. So... yeah.

6) I feel like nobody but me ships:
Aeryn/Crais (Farscape) LIKE BURNING, as a much more interesting alternative to Aeryn/John. But I think the weirdest one I've shipped was Barbossa/Anamaria in POTC (because I fancy the pants off both of them). And I don't know if anyone ships Master/Jenny or Master/Jenny/Ten for anything except cheap lols/unfs. My het ships are all doomed to obscurity.

7) I don't understand why anyone would ship:
Ten/Rose (despite TPTB pushing it), and generally most Doctor/Companion ships, from a few exceptions (Jamie, Romana, Turlough). Again, it's that glaring inequality factor in there that puts me off those ships. Generally my ships have to have people who are equally bitchy and where both are at least a bit twattish or ruthless.

8) I don't understand why more people don't ship:
SAM TYLER/PETER CARLISLE (Life on Mars/Blackpool). COME THE FUCK ON. It's the all-singing, all-dancing, all-emo-sobbing kinky twisted forbidden love affair of the decade. And and and Five/Ainley. And I don't understand why the fuck there isn't more femslash around in general in the fandoms I'm in.

9) It creeps me out, but I still ship:
Doctor/Master, sometimes. And the aforementioned Master/Ten/Jenny. And mostly all the sick shit the Master would do to various wimmins in general ("Oh, Doctor, you are so pretty when you moan like that around my cock. In fact, it reminds me of Susan!"), and so on.

10) It makes no sense at all, but I still ship:
Sonic Screwdriver/Laser Screwdriver. (I need to write one where the Sonic gets double-teamed by the Laser and the TCE.) Steven Taylor/Hi-Fi the panda. Barbossa/Jack the monkey. Simm!Master/bread. Sexby/Angelica's garter. Simm!Master/Ten's hand.

11) Nobody knows that I ship:
I don't think I can hide *any* of my ships. Even the icky squicky ones.

12) For fluff, I ship:
Theta/Koschei. Vila/Chiana. And anything cracky, really.

13) For angst, I ship:
Sexby. Sexby in general. Sam Tyler/Ten. Doctor/Master. Master/Handy.

14) For sexual tension, I ship:
Again, Doctor/Master. And the het ships.

15) For porn, I ship:
Ten/Simm!Master, Tennant/Simm.

16) I want my own relationship to be like:
Well, I do like dark and epic and BDSMy ships, but I also like cuddles (even if I don't write much cuddly stuff). I'm not sure if any of my ships match both, so elements from various ships would be good, yes.

fannishness, memery

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