Time Lord casual wear (and formal wear)

Sep 14, 2008 02:14

Well, I threatened to post about it, didn't I? I don't have much to say on the subject of Timey casual wear, but I bring proof that they bloody well don't wear those huge ceremonial robes all the time. They seem to be more like... work clothes for the higher officials and something Timeys would wear only for big important occasions (especially the ones with the huge fuckoff collars). So, I present to you: some caps of more relaxed (and/or funneh) Gallifreyan wear. Because clearly, it's vital that we find out what sort of clothes the young Doctor chillaxed in/pulled student pranks in/had around his ankles when giving the Master a quick knee-trembler behind the Panopticon. Yes? Yes.

Right. The first casual Timey clothes we ever see on screen are the very simple suits some non-speaking redshirt Timeys wear when they get gunned down by the War Lord's kinky guards. It seems these dudes are technicians who take care of the TARDISes or something, because they hang about near the TARDIS landing bays/cradles/whatchamacallits.

The costumes have nice, clean lines, going with the vaguely-oriental style we saw before on the War Chief's and the other War Dudes' outfits (more pics here). And the way this guy is defending himself, it seems like Venusian Aikido was on the curriculum at the Time Lord Academy. HAI!

Dudes onna Tribunal. I know these are Official Robes and shitz, but I'm mostly including these because LOL, ZIPPERS. It's funny that they appeared on the very first Timey outfits, yet people tend to forget about them. Well, they *are* stupid, but highly amusing. Also, fuck off, Chancellor Goth. I hope he had lots of zipper accidents.

And then we come to my personal favourite: the swashbuckling look. I love this type of costume in general, but on Tom Baker it's a bit disturbing. Mostly because Tom shouldn't be sexy.

But I guess that's what happens naturally whenever the Doctor gets tortured thanks to the Master. Note how the boots complete the outfit.

And it seems like the guards (who may or may not be Timeys--I reckon they are Timeys, just rather rubbish ones, but anyway) wear shirts like that underneath their uniforms as well.

Speaking of rubbish Timeys, I couldn't not mention Runcible. Note how the medium-importance Timeys have plainer versions of the huge ceremonial outfits--I'm guessing this is like the difference between plain-dark-suit civil servant clothing vs. tuxes (or judges' robes, with the High Council). Runcible went to the Academy with the Doctor, it seems, but he's reporting rather than taking part himself. So, despite being a homeboy, he left his huge orange collar at home. Also, why hasn't there been more fic about those corpse markers comm rings they've all got? Those could be... interesting. I bet the ringtones are shit, too.

Again, fuck off, Chancellor Goth. And do I spy the actual first black Timey in the middle there? Oldskool FTW. I do love these costumes, I must admit. They're insanely impractical, but that's sort of the point. I love, love, love the Art Nouveau/Deco pleats and folds and lines and shit. They are seriously some of the best costumes in Who, ever.

Note how Goth changes into the simpler robes later on. You couldn't get a better clotheshorse for these things than Bernard Horsfall--the robes look really awesome on someone who's insanely tall and slim. (Yes, we need full-body shots of Tennant in robes like that, I agree.) Mostly, I want to have James Acheson's timebabies. George Pravda is already pregnant with them.

And we need lots more fic with obscure Timey bling. The Arc of Infinity Timeys have huge fuckoff rocks for some reason (if there was a plot reason, I must've forgotten). And note how the ring comms devices have been upgraded and are now wristwatch-type models. Or maybe Maxil's just hardcore enough to have a really 1337 one. Which looks suspiciously like the sort of cheap tat you'd find in a Kinder egg. Which it probably is, to be honest.

Although seriously, this is what I want to see crazy fan theories and fanfic about: THE WAR CHIEF'S QUATREFOIL PENDANT. Which apparently contains Timey technology and shitz.

But, yes. To sum it up, casual Timey clothes are the sort you should be doing martial arts and/or swordfighting in. Which is rather action-oriented and impressive, when you think about it. Beats the long johns Four is wearing underneath his robes, no? Sadly, I have no caps of the long johns, so here's another pic of Tom in disturbingly unfworthy gear. Clothes make the man, a Time Lord more so.

Schmex-wise, I know which outfit wins. Clearly the Nehru jacket (or a jacket in a similar cut) is something that has sentimental value for certain Time Lords. At least the evil ones. Maybe it's the Gallifreyan equivalent of a badass biker jacket or something. And it must bring back certain memories for the Doctor. Ahem.

I must stop soon or I'll just spam this whole post with images like this. I AM NOT OBSESSED OR ANYTHING.

Well. Last pic, I promise. At least I have a good excuse to post pictures of the Doctor getting seduced. Is that what the Master wore when they first shagged set Borusa's robes on fire? You decide.

And, um, that's about it. I must've missed something, so any contributions and crackpot theories are welcome:D.

two is god, war chief=master damn it, costume, picspam, doctor who, crackpot theories, timecock, four ftw, meta, doctor/master, time lord clothing, eighties porn colin

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