Holy fucking shit

Jun 22, 2008 17:37

Drive-by rec: versaphile wrotede David Tennant/Derren Brown and 'twas brilliant, as usual. FIIIIILTH. Daaave.

Boy, am I glad I mentioned self-sucking to Sam yesterday when watching Something Wicked This Way Comes. Apart from that, dude is a Time Lord. But we all knew that.

Plus, magiciany stuff reminded me of LoG and Deaaaan Tavalouriiiis. Zee kabinett ov wundermennnt. That's a DVD extra that wasn't on the actual series, I think. It saddens me that I still remember far too many of those lines by heart.

ETA: ALSO! rob_t_firefly! I have FINALLY seen that Frontier Psychiatrist video! OMG! I now understand EVERYTHING about the universe. It's such beautiful crack I could cry.

derren brown wants to eat your soul, youtube, league of gentlemen, recs

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