I still don't get how knowing the Doctor's real name and being in love with him automatically means marriage. Did Moff'n'Rusty say something like that? I'm just wondering why marriage should be the instant conclusion. Because you can't really be in love without marriage? I guess that's the assumption that bugs me the most. I don't have anything against the Doctor being married, because he's done it in the past and all that. I'm just surprised that people are assuming deep and meaningful romance somehow can't exist without that. The fuck. The assumption itself just rubs me the wrong way, more than marriage itself, because it's such a cliche (especially with het couples. Would people say the same about a future male lover)?
That, and it'd be bloody *weird* if she only found out his real name during the marriage ceremony, wouldn't it? Crack and lols aside (because yeah, that scenario might happen), I find it far more romantic that he should've told her his name in some completely different context, some very special moment where he was overcome with emotion (and maybe had to trust her with his life during some really dangerous situation, considering this is the Doctor we're talking about). Especially since it's... about the most magical and meaningful name in the Whoverse, probably. Something that has insane amounts of power, a True Name. Learning that when signing papers in some registrar's office in space? *Bah*.
Besides, this means most other Timeys are also married to the Doctor, 'cos they'd totally know his name. Romana would've looked it up before she even met him. Borusa would've used it to tell him off for being ADHD in class. Koschei would've yelled it during sex (mostly in the form of "------, you fucking idiot, you need lubricant for that")! Like I've said elsewhere, I'm glad this ep proved that "use my name" is a common Time Lord kink. That, and handcuffs. That's *my* batshit, anyway.
Okay, and Four and Romana II so got married in Paris under false names. Probably "Cleese" and "Bron", for extra lols.