Now this is what anon memes should be like... pr0nz!

May 30, 2008 01:49

sizeofthatthing is fucking awesome, but I think sam42 has totally and utterly pwned me when it comes to writing anon and anon-ish stuff. Fuck. Me. *FLAIL* I know I'm biased and she's my internet wife and everything, but SHE TOTALLY NEEDS TO WRITE MOAR PROPERFIC because that's some of the best shit in the fandom, yo. Am gobsmacked. DO NOT HIDE YOUR LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL, WOMAN.

I r wrotede two things on there. One was fairly good but a bit too timey-wimey and the other was rubbish. And only requested stuff twice. But someone filled one of those requests by writing Laser/Sonic screwdrivers, which makes me happy.

I'd so write Five/Ainley fisting, but am tirede.

ETA: There is so much gold/crack on that meme. So much win. I think I've sprained things laughing. GO READ.

doctor who, pr0n, timecock, sam the mindreading porntwin, writing

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