Feb 07, 2006 00:44
so here i am at work...kinda. i'm waiting for anthony and mario to get off of work so we can go home. again my mom pissed me off...but whatever. she just doesn't want me to move away from her. i don't really have anything to talk about since all i do is work and school but i do have something to say about that. i am in a drawing class and it's so weird! there is this girl who reminds me so much of chris it's crazy but what's even weirder is that her name is chris as well. so anyway my drawing teacher - leah - is pretty crazy...for our homework this weekend we had to draw eggs yes chicken eggs four of them. not only did we have to draw them whole but then we had to crack them open and let the yolks and egg whites run everywhere which was very gross especially clean up when i poured them all down the drain from a moist piece of paper but then we also had to take the broken shells and put them back together with bandaides or tape or thread whatever it was kinda crazy but i have to admit it was fun...last night when i was drawing them i wasn't finished by the time it was time to leave for work so i skipped work and played wow for 8 hours and watched 6 movies...i know i know but whatever :D for valentine's day i'm taking anthony ice skating, he hasn't been before :D also i'm thinking about getting him a gift but i don't know if he would want it or not i think he would let's cross our fingers. anyway i miss you wittenbergers a lot and i miss witt too :( hopefully i'll get to come down and visit sometime. laters all =^_^=