Mar 01, 2007 08:00
Got a million things running around in my head and need to get it down here.
Great time with the bears at the Cafe last night. I've missed it for 2 weeks due to conflicts and glad I could catch up with people.
Got to do my finances--it's been like a month since I've done the bills!
I learned yesterday that Steamboat has had 5 FEET of now in the past 5 days and it's still coming down. Got to get out west. Salt Lake City? Big Bear? Seattle? Air fare was is on and need to book something and sort out if I'm going alone and where to stay depending on where I go. Can't go until after Mar 10 and must be before Mar 31.
ITS Web Systems (my group) move Mar 8th (Thu) into the ITS Manning building finally. Looking forward to my new office. So, in the spirit of the "here's my office/cube" meme going around, I'll try to get pics today of the new place and post.
BIG data center move is happening on Mar 10th. So we will be moving a large number of critical systems that day, all day. It's going to be insane, but interesting too.
Loving the new TWiki that someone in my group setup. The fact that I can edit documents on-the-fly via the web, create simple tables, no Microsoft Office involved..., it's fabulous. I'm encouraged to document much more and so is the group. Our days of sharing MS Office documents is a thing of the past.
Got the dentist this morning at 1000 and looking forward to getting these fluoride stains off my teeth finally.
Loving this sleep schedule! I'm in bed by 0030 and get up around 0730. I'm usually awake BEFORE my alarm goes off. This has been going for nearly 2 weeks. Energy is much better during the day.
Got a full day with the cadets (Civil Air Patrol) for the statewide cadet competition (drill, testing/knowledge and color guard). I'm one of the judges and it will be a busy day in Burlington.
Hmmm..., what am I forgetting...?