Sep 01, 2008 09:38
For all of you wondering if I had fallen off the edge of the world, a reminder that I'm still here. But life is hectic, particularly when you're a guest in the lives of others.
I've been trying to work on updating and polishing my resume to make it the best it can be. Selling myself is not one of my particular talents, but it must be done, and done well, if I want to get a decent job.
The decision on a career still looms, but for now, I am focusing on just getting a job to keep me going in the interim. I would love to just live for a while. I can try new things in my spare time, and maybe figure out what I want. I might stay in Portland, or I might head north to Washington - Vancouver or Seattle, perhaps. But I am beginning to feel the need for a place of my own again - I have my own life now, and my parents have their own lives now, too. Neither of us can or expects to live with each other anymore. And without a job, life feels just a little too aimless, and time slips by just a little too easily. One of my personal discoveries is that I abhor idleness. I need a job, a purpose, a goal to work towards. Without that, life seems rather meaningless.
In more frivolous news, I have been enjoying American food and entertainment again. I saw Wall-E, and absolutely loved it. Extra special bonus points for using songs from Hello, Dolly! ;) And it was just the sweetest little love story ever. Regarding food, I no longer love red meat like I did before living in Japan. I still find steak and hamburgers delicious, but more as a special occasion food - maybe once every few weeks, if that. I'm just not used to eating it anymore, and it sits so heavily on your stomach. Bleh.
Well, off to work on the resume and the job search some more. Hope everyone else is doing well out there!