My writing is going fairly well. I’m really excited. I’ve been working on it a lot more! I feel a lot more excited about writing the novel. I had so many ideas when I first started out the planning. And so many of them changed, in fact, only one of my characters from the original idea is there (well in essence he’s still there, he’s changed quite a bit too). That’s not a bad thing as I feel the new cast is much stronger and has a lot more personality. I’ve added some new characters to the cast (actually it’s better to say, I have a whole new cast). I like them better, I think. There’s less stress, less expectations, there’s a lot more enjoyment. And if that’s all I’ve gotten out of writing, I’m feeling pretty good about it. I feel more able to work on it; at least, I’ve stopped making excuses.
I don’t write every day, some days I’m tired from having worked. But that’s okay. I do try to sit down and work on at least a paragraph every morning. It’s relieving for me. Even if I don’t write a lot, I feel like I’m making progress and that means the world to me too. I’m more excited about this version than previous, I don’t feel bogged down. I don’t know if I feel more confident or if I’ve just decided I shouldn’t be wasting any more time. Either way, I’m content that I’m writing.
I’m still having issue with transitioning between characters since I have them separated. I don’t want to do to constant chapter flips because that is a personal annoyance. But I can’t seem to work out how to let the reader know what’s happening in both places, as they do need to know. I could, I suppose write one side of the story then do a second part explaining the next part of the story, and then do final part where they all meet up. That might work, but it makes the parallels difficult too. I’m going to keep writing and think on it some more.
I’ve been getting the basic ideas down so that I can edit and flesh everything out later. It’s probably a backwards way to do it, but it works for me. At the very least, I’m getting something down. I’m trying to be happy with that. I want to do my best and so I just keep writing as the need strikes me. This way, I have something down. They say the best writing is rewriting, so I’m not too worried about that! I’ll get there. For the first time, I don’t feel like I need to rush with this.
The fairest has been