:D I feel GREAT~

Aug 22, 2013 10:23

AH! New class starts today; I’m both excited and overwhelmed. They really expect us to hit the ground running. Good thing I’ve already been in the classrooms I’m going to be doing my practicum hours in. That’ll make some assignments this week (specifically) much easier. I think I might go in tomorrow (Friday) to try and talk to the Principal or Monday and see if I can talk to her and get a few practicum hours in. Perhaps I’ll spend mornings with one mentor and afternoons with the other. This way I can get even more learning in.

Looking through the Teacher Practicum Manual, I am not allowed to wear tennis shoes as per my University’s dress code for teacher candidates. It makes me wonder if the person who wrote it has been in the classroom on their feet all day.

I’ve been revamping ideas for my novel and I’ve never been more inspired to work on it. Since I’m not updating PBF daily, I thought I’d take the time to work on the novel as I have a few minutes every day solely for writing. Why I didn’t do this sooner, I have no idea. But I’m doing it now, and I feel fantastic about it. Thank all that is GOOD for rough drafts. I don’t have to go back and read it right away. It doesn’t have to be perfect. I can just get down ideas! WHY AM I SO SLOW ON THE UPTAKE? (Also I should be reading homework…but..writing calls to me! So do coffee and a shower, hur hur) Coffee and writing taken care of! Feeling great about it! Gosh, why is it that I feel more inspired to work on writing than school? I had three months (PRETTY MUCH) off and nothing. First day of class - I NEED TO WRITE ALL THE THINGS.

I bought some really nice looking pens a few weeks ago (school supplies). I finally used them today! They’re pink and purple (like their casing) respectively! WOW, I’m so happy. I makes some dates in my planner stand out more~! It’s fantastic.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Week 1
Introduction on Class Wall
Get books, syllabus, and create folder for class
Meet with Principal to set up Practicum

Lecture 1
Bader Reading and Language Inventory: Parts 1, 2, 3
Understanding Reading Problems: Assessment and Instruction: Chapters 1, 2, 3 (77-96)
Teacher Involvement In Reading: Encouraging Children's Interest, Motivation and Comprehension
International Reading Association
Reading is Fundamental

Discussion Board:
Question 1
+ Reply to classmate
+ Reply to classmate
+ Reply to classmate

Question 2
+ Reply to classmate
+ Reply to classmate
+ Reply to classmate

Weekly Journal
Informal Assessment
Contextual Factors: Knowing your students

school: teaching, writing: sotgw

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