(no subject)

Jan 29, 2013 08:08

Started up Dragon Age Origins: Awakening. It’s the expansion for DA. I imported my character from Origins to use. I’m the Warden Commander! Everyone’s all like “OMA, your’e soo cooool. You honor us with your presence, blah, blah, blah.” ‘Cept Ohgren, who was like “Pan! Come on! We’re killing darkspawns! We need to kill ALL the things :D” Oh and Alistair who was concerned for my well being and still ended up having other duties to attend too (didn’t leave without flirting though). Alistair talks to everyone, jokes with ‘em, then turns to me and is all like “Love, are you hurt?!” Of course I’m not hurt! But still, it’s a nice feature.

Things I want to do today:
One Essay for no evil (wrote two)
Turn in Final

games, games: dragon age

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