
Jan 28, 2013 09:34

I beat Dragon Age Origins! Ah! I loved it. I have Awakening too, so I’ll probably play that a bit after I’m all done with the other things I need to do today.

I finished the damn landsmeet and I went through all these hoops to support Anora. But I forgot to talk to her before the actual landsmeeet so she BETRAYED ME. Which forced Alistair onto the throne, which I was desperately trying to prevent because I was Dalish. So, he became king and then gave me a long speech about how he was king and would need an heir. And so long story short, he tried to break up with me. And thankfully I was able to persuade him that nothing had to change just because he was king. So I got to keep my beloved!

But, then we found out one of the wardens would have to die to slay the archdemon. So even if I get to be with him, one of us will die. Morrigan offers a loop hole - she can help but she has to be impregnated by Alistair. Oh okay. We, we accept so that we both can live but I still can’t say I agree with it. So now she’s off in the world somewhere impregnated with Alistair’s demon baby and I’m his chancellor.

My other options for the ending are Alistair dies or I die. Agh, hard to feel good about that. But it’s hard to feel completely bad about it since I got to stay on as his advisor and continue to flirt with him, etc. And when I say advisor, I’m also his mistress. So it’s not like all is lost.

I immensely enjoyed the game!

Good thing I call an advisor. I missed a part for turn in, so I was able to get that done. For some reason, I always forget that rationale! And I can almost submit! But then I found they want an evaluation form and I have to make sure that the one I have is the correct one, so I can’t turn in yet. Well, I could but I’d rather make sure I have the right one for sure. So I have to wait for my instructor to get back to me. I’m hoping it’s the right one for sure since I haven’t seen anything else that would work!

My goals for today:
Call my advisor and get assistance with TaskStream
Turn in Final (pending teacher approval for evaluation form)
Write One Essay for No Evil

games, school, games: dragon age

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