Happy Saturday

Jan 14, 2012 10:22

Writing Updates: Shatter the Moon - The End of the World

I got up an hour early this morning. I set my alarm so that I can get back in the swing of waking up on time. I feel great. On one hand it takes away my disorientation when I first wake up, because I focus on something (namely, the alarm going off). I feel more aware in the mornings and I’m not nauseous! SO, I consider that my win. Then I got up and took Copper on a walk with dad. I was going to jog, but D can’t jog right now. So I said I’d be willing to walk if he wanted to join me. It was cold this morning! Tomorrow, I’ll remember a hat and some gloves. When I got home I had breakfast (which I don’t normally do since I’m too nauseous in the morning to eat). I had a glass of chocolate milk, it was yummy. And then I took a nice warm shower. It’s been a good morning!

I just realized its Saturday again. Which means that I forgot to post at Shinra Database again. I’m having a very difficult time with that switch for some reason. I think I’ll have to set an alarm or a reminder or something for that! Haha, wow. But that’s okay. I’m sure that no one’s holding it against me….Right?!

The butterfly hairclip I got in Hawaii broke. D fixed it last night so I can wear it again~! I’m very happy about that.

I have one of my novel ideas typed up. I have both novel ideas typed up. Now I just need to FLESH IT THEM OUT. It’s kind of weird. I’ve noticed that both the ideas are pretty much the end of the story or close to it. So I really have a lot of work to do. But I’m excited about it~! I’ll have something to work on. And I really like it.

Cherri’s making brownies! That’s going to be tasty. In an hour or so I’m going to eat lunch, I think.

Classes start on Tuesday, I’ve quite enjoyed my break. :3

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

copper, writing, dad, good day

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