
Jun 05, 2010 10:13

Writing Updates: 11 - Country of Heath

My cousin Alex graduated high school. We went to his ceremony last night. I’m very proud of him. I’m also very proud of his sister, who started college this summer! I’ll be helping her out when she needs it. She’s very organized - I love it.

I’m not sure how I’m feeling today. I slept fairly well. I had some weird dreams, but I can’t remember what they were about only that while I was dreaming them, my reaction was “o.O;;; Whut..?” Other than that, I’m determined that today is going to be a good day.

I’m going to try and finish Frankenstein: Prodigal Son today. I’m halfway through it already.

This was taken from Lydia<3Lucas on tinier me. XD; Too lazy to cut. D:

Five things you wish you could say to five different people now
1. I love you.
2. It really will be okay in the end.
3. Yes, I can be awesome and wonderful.
4. I’m sick of your drama.
5. it’s not that hard to type extra letters, in fact, it looks better to spell a word properly. I promise.

10 things about yourself
1. I’m awesome.
2. I love cold fried chicken.
3. I used to think I was a hopeless romantic, but that’s a silly thing because I have hope.
4. I prefer to wing everything.
5. I believe the world is run on magic and pixies.
6. I don’t like loud noises and find them to be unnecessary.
7. I can be a perfectionist.
8. It annoys me greatly when people do not type out all of their letters.
9. I’m a humanities major.
10. For the longest time, I didn’t even know what “humanities” was.

Eight ways to win your heart
1. Smile
2. Be honest
3. Be confident
4. Have a sense of humor
5. Tell me you love me.
6. Blue eyes
7. Defend me, even if I don’t like it.
8. Hold my hand

Seven things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Sy
2. Stephanie
3. Turks
4. The Country of Heath
5. Family drama
6. Dreams
7. Story notes

Four things you see right now:
1. Word Document
2. Words that need fixed.
3. My sanity slipping away.
4. Fishtank

Three songs you listen to often:
1. Sex on Fire
2. Hikari
3. If I had You

Three things you want to do before you die:
1. Meet my siblings. <3
2. Publish a novel
3. Get married. ;3

tinierme, books: koontz, reading, meme, family drama

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