おひさしぶり です ね。

Jun 17, 2009 20:44

O-hisashiburi desu ne. (title)
I haven’t seen you for a long time.

こんばん は。
Konban wa!
Good evening.

どうぞう よろしく。
Hajimemashite. Snow desu
Doozo yoroshiku.
How do you do. I am Snow.
It’s nice to meet you.

をなめあえ は なん です か。
O-namae wa nan desu ka.
May I have your name?

As you can see I am practicing my Japanese and hiragana. The more I use it, I figure the better I’ll get. And with any luck I’ll be able to recognize the characters. Sometimes the grammar really confuses me though.

For instance wa (わ)is written as ha (は)when used as a particle. So, sometimes when I write Watashi wa....I write...わたし わ...even though I should be writing わたし は。。。

And as a note for myself (Pattern is easy now that I know it):

あ い う え お
A I  U E O

か き く け こ
Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko

さ し す せ そ
Sa Shi Su Se So

た ち つ て と
Ta Chi Tsu Te To

な に ぬ ね の
Na Ni Nu Ne No

は ひ ふ へ ほ
Ha Hi Hu He Ho

ま み む め も
Ma Mi Mu Me Mo

や ゆ よ 
Ya Yu Yo

ら り る れ ろ
Ra Ri Ru Re Ro




japanese, school

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