Because I can do things besides whine

Aug 12, 2011 14:07

I finished a squeaky gnome for Thegn Gunnar yesterday and posted a picture this morning. He seems to like it.

My package from Lacis showed up last night with my rosewood and bone crochet hooks and I've been working on a dark red octopus that will have skulls on the tentacles. I like it. I also like the coil-less safety pins as stitch markers. The yarn doesn't get snagged in the coil and they're easy to use.

I found a pattern on the Red Heart yarn site for "Gnorbert the Gnome". He's about 16" tall and I have decided to make him for Reynier, just cause I think it would be cool. I need to go plumb the depths of the stash for appropriate material.

Varr has challenged me to lose 8 pounds by our California vacation. My reward is a whale watching cruise out of Rainbow Harbor. Really gotta start eating my veggies. I've been slacking horribly lately. I've learned my lesson on the grains, a couple of times over, but I'm just sort of squeaking by on all protein, too much dairy, and other less good stuff. Gotta get back on track. Walkies got all messed up during the car buying process, but those seem to be going well again. Jack does most of it with his leash trailing behind him and the only issue we've had is a couple of dogs, completely off-leash, who came running across Limberlost to check him out and he snapped at one when it got too close. Jack apparently decided he was going to head for home instead of responding to our commands to come back to us. He doesn't really "go after" other dogs, and is frequently happy enough to ignore them and go on his way, but he does snap if they insist on checking him out. He's also afraid of toddlers. I think it's because they're close to his eye level and it's a dominance thing. He's really turning out to be a much better pet than I expected though. Yesterday he was the good dog and Pete was a jerk all day, barking at nothing in the back yard most of the day and leaving a "gift" for me in the living room.

I got email from Varr a little bit ago that he will be home from work by 3pm and we are going on a movie date with some passes he got from...somewhere. Cowboys and Aliens. I really hope it's not 3D. I'm sick of 3D movies. Avatar was stunning, but it's SERIOUSLY getting overused. I also kind of wish I could still eat popcorn. And I'm debating soda. I've made progress on the "only on the weekends" thing, although I've had some slips lately, mostly due to some issues that have just seemed to require me to comfort myself with my beloved diet Coke. I think this week, the weekend will consist of today and tomorrow.

From 2011-08-12

From 2011-08-01

From 2011-08-01

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