State of the Blossom

Aug 04, 2011 09:02

So I told someone that I expected them to keep their journal up because I enjoy reading it, but I apparently don't feel the same obligation, so here goes.

I've been making lots of stuff lately. I really want to get involved in craft fairs, cause I think the stuff I make would probably sell fairly well in person. Etsy has been a complete failure for me. There is sooo much stuff there that it's hard to get noticed, and my stuff is "cute" and "impulsive" and loses it's allure once you add in shipping. I think it would be much easier to get someone to part with $5 once they've picked it up and squeaked it, than if they just see a picture and and then have to add a couple bucks for shipping and then wait a couple days to play with it. A web presence would still be good, for advertising, and because I could take paypal, and I'm I could make a few sales that way. Right now I'm kind of concentrating on building up stock while I figure out the rest of what I need to do to get started. I think I need to either make sure my business license is still good or get a new one, and I might have to reapply for the state license, since I surrendered the one I had because I sucked at filing the returns because I never actually sold anything. Apparently you can file online now, so that'll make it easier.

In other news, I'm still walking, although we've not been consistent about it the last week or two because of the weather and general laziness. I've done really well about ditching the grains because I now know they make me sick. I know consider them in the same category as crustaceans, and it's just not worth it. I'm not doing that well at eating enough veggies and I have been eating ice cream and too much fruit. We're on the Bountiful Baskets again. I'm just having a hard time making myself get off my butt and make the salads and veggies I need. I hate this weather. The heat and humidity just suck the life out of me. I am pretty determined not to go back to where I was though, so I'm still trying. We didn't do our whole three miles this morning, but we still went out, despite a lingering headache from last night's storm. Hopefully we can get back to some nice dry weather in a couple of weeks and things'll get easier.

I've also come to realize that our house is not as cluttered and awful as it has been in the past. I've still got to get the sewing room mucked out, but that is definitely going to wait until the weather improves.

And here's some bonus pics of the stuff I've been making.

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