Great Success

Feb 05, 2007 15:23

I was told by my boss that the Director of Environmental Health at FAMU called her for a reference to me about the job I applied for. I was surprised not only at the response but that she wanted me to call immediately. I am so excited, my real first interview. I will have to check to make sure my shirts are still pressed and luckily he picked a time that amazingly fit in between my current work schedule when I told him anything would be fine. I personally would miss work at Applebee's for an interview because frankly this job is hardly worth caring about. Not to say I'm "too good" for work, but I told them when I got hired this is temporary and strictly for extra cash. They agreed and took me on and I am appreciative of my comfortable living as of now. I know I can nail this interview, as I have practiced many times, plus I know the job and the man said from my resume and references I sound very likely.

On a side note, my cat viciously scratched my friends face for NO reason at all, we were playing XBox, and he didn't make any wild gesture, look at him, or even shout once. It was totally unprovoked. So I decided he needed to be declawed, but Animal Aid wouldn't do it, but they have these caps they glue on the claws to make them dull and they get replaced every 6 months or so. Plus it is like 30 bucks including sedation. Apparently, they didn't tell me he had to fast so they tried without sedation. The lady said on the phone "You're cat is TOO vicious" in a mean tone. I apologized and asked if anyone was hurt, she responded "No blood THIS time" and said they remembered him last time they tried to take a fecal sample he cut a vet tech across the forehead (I know, i see a pattern). So tonight, I take his food away before I go to bed and it is back to animal aid tomorrow. I hope this calms him down, but at least his scratches won't hurt anymore. he really is a good cat, but given him being alone most of the day, and I'm sure there was mental trauma of my house being burglarized when I was away and them leaving him in the attic for at the most 8 hours has affected him. He is very affectionate with me alone, but anybody else in the house he acts nice until they try to touch him and then he hisses and attacks. I don't think it is funny at all, and I hate that others think I'm abusing him or that I need him put down. He's my boy, and someday I hope he'll be good to others.

Well, Jason is bringing Gumby's Pizza and we are gonna play some Fight Night 3 so hopefully he won't attack again. I go to Georgia on Friday to see my mom so that should be cool. Laters.
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