Number One: Does anyone have MP3s of Paul's "My Wife Left Me For A Guy Named Jesus" and the "Muchachos" songs from Exit 57? Cause.. I would love to have them. ::bats eyes at you all:: Please?
Number Two: Stolen from many people cooler than I: Top fives! Give me a topic and I'll list my top 5 things. If it's pictures I'll provide them, same with
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Also, ummmmm. Favorite SWC episodes? Favorite vegetables? Favorite styles of shoe?
5 - um.. damn. The other three are kinda tied. ;P
4 - four
3 - one
2 - three
1 - two
Clerks The Series :D The ep titles were insanely long, so screw that. ;P
5 - four, with Randal's 'heeey, hooo' wave and Jay being assassinated!
4 - one, with the firstness! ;P
3 - two, with the gay husband and clip show-ness!
2 - six, with the matrix and black and white and never leaving the store!
1 - five, with the baseball and Indiana Jones likeness and omg just every freakin line is GOLD!
5 - raw carrots
4 - green beans
3 - corn
2 - onions.. dude, that IS a veggie, right? :P
1 - red peppers
shoe styles:
5 - platform-ish sandals
4 - non-athlete sneakers
3 - combat-ish boots
2 - flip flops
1 - none at all! ;D
SWC eps:
5 - To Be Young, Gifted and Blank
4 - Yes, You Can't
3 - Ask Jerri
2 - Hit and Run
1 - To Love, Honor and Pretend
OMG that was harder than I thought! And those all have massive amounts of Chuck and Geoffrey! XP
I like non-athletic sneakers a lot, too. :D And your favorite SWC episodes are choices of which I approve, haha.
I feel bad about totally coming across like I only care about the gay teachers. Heeee.
My very favorite episodes of SWC are all very Noblineck-centric, too. :x I mean, I adore the rest of the series, too, but ... oh the love.
You know, I'm SUCH a hypocrite cause I hate pairing names all smooshed together, but GOD, Noblineck is the cutest name ever. XD
Yeah, I usually hate naming parings -- like ... the really dumb names that are supposed to be descriptive as well as combined names. But Noblineck is so much love. :D AND EASIER TO TYPE, which is actually the important thing here.
YEEEES. Noblineck is CUTE and quirky, just like them! And doesn't imply anything more or less than what they are. ::bitterly thinks of pairings she loathes and the names given to them:: Ahem. ;P
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