Number One: Does anyone have MP3s of Paul's "My Wife Left Me For A Guy Named Jesus" and the "Muchachos" songs from Exit 57? Cause.. I would love to have them. ::bats eyes at you all:: Please?
Number Two: Stolen from many people cooler than I: Top fives! Give me a topic and I'll list my top 5 things. If it's pictures I'll provide them, same with songs. It can be anything you want. ..I may refuse on songs. Heh.
Number Three: Tagged by The Maria,
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: um. entire bags of certain chips?
When I LOVE something, I can't seem to stop eating it. Before you know it, empty bag.
Literary: kidlit heh. Every now and then, I like to go back and read Baby Sitters Club and Sweet Valley stuff.Audiovisual: er? I would say Degrassi, but I don't feel quilty, nyah nyah! Same with Drake and Josh.
Musical: a few country songs's COUNTRY. ;P
Celebrity: ..Lindsey Lohan She used to be so CUTE! I worry, motherlike. :P
Now I tag:- nobody, muhaha! I am a rebel.
Number Four: Why don't more of you read my fic and look at my icons? Don't you know I am very needy and will jump at the chance to join a cult because Jerri and her principal don't know anything about love?
..ahem. ^.^