Oct 15, 2007 15:06
I had no less than four five kids in this afternoon trying to deal with late work (half of which said they were POSITIVE they turned it in on time, because they always turn everything in on time, they KNOW they turned it in on time, etc etc). I also have four emails in my inbox with angry parents demanding to know where their kids latework is, and I'm trying to muster up the energy to be diplomatic instead of just screaming at them that this is what we're supposed to talk about at conferences, and that they are all wasting my time. I am also currently waiting for two more students, one of whom has missing work and the other who was highly offended my something I said and wants to discuss it with me.
Conferences are tomorrow, I am totally unprepared.
I am fighting the urge to curl up in the fetal position, rock back and forth, and mutter about why I chose this career.