(no subject)

May 17, 2006 15:00


I used to do these little livejournal birthday updates for everyone way back in the day, & I just decided that I wanted to do one for you. & make it public just how much I love you! Babe, you have been my bestfriend for 4+ years. & throughout these 4+ years, you have been the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for. From listening to all my dumb little "boy troubles", to hearing me complain about having nothing to wear, or about what (or who lol jk) I did over the weekend. Now, I don't have those boy troubles, because my boy is MORE than amazing. And as for all the other stuff, you are still always there for me to hear me out. If theres one thing in my life that I don't ever want to change, is our friendship.... and ofcourse, our love. I could name a million reasons why I love you, but that would take forever, and uh, I don't feel like it. You know what I really love though? EVERYTHING ABOUT US! like the way we can spend hours doing absolutely nothing, and still say that we had a great time together. Or how we find simplest things to be "amazing" just as long as we're together.  I could seriously go on forever. I'm gonna make this long story short for you: I love you, and if there is one person in this world who deserves the best birthday ever, its definitely you. I have never met anyone like you. ( & know I'm not kissing ass! lol). HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY BABY!

♥ Me

Prom 2006.... I LOVE YOU.

Us way back in the day! <3
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