Take a chance.

May 17, 2006 14:27

Hey hey! Well, I've been doing this LJ thing since before I even knew MySpace existed.... So yeah, thats been a very loooong time. & I figured, I kinda like this thing, so I'm gonna keep up with it more often now. So here goes:

Some girls have to search forever for love. Some give up, and some look forever. Actually, I have never been one of those types of girls who "looks" for it. I mean, like almost every other girl my age, I have been boy crazy for as long as I can remember. But I have never been the type of girl to fall easily in love, or to say " I need a boyfriend now". I guess I'm just pretty independent and dont need a guy to make me happy. I have had my share of heart-breaks in the past. I mean, what 18 year old girl hasn't? & sometimes, I've even agreed to that stereotype that "all men are dogs". lol. But that has never made me give up on love, or make me look for it even more. I have fallen for all the wrong guys a million times before. But thats just part of the process. & as a matter of fact, I don't regret falling for the "wrong" guy a million and one times. If I had to do it all again, yeah, there are some things I might do differently, but NO I do not regret any single thing from my past. Why regret something that once made you smile? I don't see a point in it. Whats done is done, and that is that. Take it, and be miserable forever, or take it and LEARN. I chose to learn.

Sometimes, you don't see it coming, because its right under your nose. I always imagined that I would MEET the guy that I was gonna fall in love with, and automatically know "this is it.".... WRONG. But I have met that guy. And I am in love with him. But the best part of this whole thing, is the way one thing led to another, and the way we didn't see it coming (eventhough everyone else did). Everyone who knows us knew that at one point or another, we were bound to get together. And at some point, even we knew it. And some people even warned us about how horrible it would be if we were to break-up, and how we'd loose our friendship. The first month of our relationship SUCKED (sorry babe). We were so skeptical, yet look now, just 3 and a half months later, and I am more in love than I have ever been in before in my life. As a matter of fact, I'd say this is the first time that I am in love. I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything else in the world. I love him. After being bestfriends for just around 4 years, we finally got together. And despite all the crap, we are stronger than ever. How many couples do you know that smile while they argue? lol. As a a matter of fact, there is no such thing as an argument in this relationship. We know eachother so well, that its hard to piss one another off. And when we do piss eachother off, the "kiss and make up" happens within seconds. :)

So why am I sharing this long ass story with you?
Because I think that rather than you SEARCHING for something like this, you might just have to open your eyes, and look a little closer. It might just have been waiting there for you this entire time. And as for the risk of losing the friendship? Fuck that. The risks you are most scared to take are usually the most worthwhile.

I love you babe.
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