Oct 14, 2004 21:18
So, been home alone for a couple of days now, most of which have been spent at work, so that’s not been too bad.
Found out the day of the funeral, it’s on Monday at 11.30 so mum’s coming back on Saturday and we’re going back on Sunday - which I was off work for anyway, but I’ve had to get Monday and Tuesday off. Nice thing about the place, it was so simple, I thought I’d have to fill in an absence form or something, but I just went to Julie and explained, Adam had already mentioned it to her anyway, so she was just like “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Had a chance to catch up with Tim and Trystan yesterday, both of whom were in my induction group. Basically, I was just swiping out as Tim was coming in, so went and had a drink with him and Trystan in the canteen - figured it was a better option than freezing my ass off outside waiting for a bus, gave me less of a wait. Unlike tonight, which was fun. Basically I finished at 6.30, the next 515 (the bus I needed) wasn’t due to leave town til 7.15. So I phoned the only taxi number I had, he had nothing til 7.10. But I looked at my bus timetable, and there was a 514 due to leave town at 6.45, so I figured, at least I can get to town. Was gonna get the 515, but seeing as it was gonna be the same driver, it felt a bit silly, so I got a taxi.
Work’s not been too bad, just a few minor niggles. And apparently, the kiosk is getting a reshuffle on Monday, just as I was getting used to where everything was. *sigh* never mind.
But yeah…random niggles, apologies for the rantiness. First of all - and I had this twice today - people who, when you give them change in all £1 coins, ask, “Have you got no £5s?” Well, um, if I had a £5 note why the hell would I attempt to cram 9 pound coins into my hand as opposed to 4? Huh? What do you think, I just horde them? Or just decide not to give them out if I don’t like the person? If I had a £5 note, you’d have been given it. Fucktards.
Second one - people who seem to take some subconscious pleasure in giving you the biggest payment possible for one item - seriously, a £20 note for a stick of chewing gum?! Fair enough, you may have only just got money out, but…it just annoys me. Things are hectic enough as it is, without having to drop everything to rush and phone for change, when the supervisors are busy enough as it is. And one thing I’ve learnt - thinking “I’ll wait until it goes quiet and then I’ll…” is not the way to go. Because it doesn’t go quiet. Actually today wasn’t too bad, but other days have been, mostly when I’ve been the only one on. Anything involving calling the desk feels much worse when there’s no-one to keep the queue going while you wait.
Which leads me to an observation - calling the desk is necessary more often than you’d think. When they tell you, you don’t realise how often you’re gonna need to call - it’s not *all* the time, like, but you usually have to at least once or twice in a day, between change, item not found stuff and barcode cancelled stuff - oh, and void override as well.
Another rant - people who seem to think that, even when there’s only one person behind the kiosk, there’s a separate queue for lottery. Excuse me, how exactly is one person supposed to keep an eye on two queues at once? It’s one queue when it’s two people on, never mind when there’s just one.
Or people who come over to the lottery side to pay for other stuff - which granted has as much to do with being on till 102 as anything else - 102 is the opposite end of the counter to the lottery machine. But even so, these people have eyes; they know which till I’m signed onto surely? *sighs* some people are plebs.
Okay, that’s enough ranting for now. Not done much lately…been on eBay a little, thank god I get paid tomorrow. And watched the last bit of the Australian The Block earlier, just cos it was on. Now maybe it’s cos I’ve not watched from the start, maybe it’s because they show it week by week, and not a summary of a fortnight like the UK one did, but it didn’t seem to grab me the same way. From the little I saw…I dunno, maybe if I’d seen more, there just doesn’t seem to be the strength of character there was on the UK one. [/moaning]
Think I should stop now. Sorry for the rant, but kinda needed to.