So another year has passed by in this life of mine. 2008 was sure a hectic year and although I had two tragedies this year, I believe it was one of the best for me personally
I met so many wonderful people through work that I feel like I made some awesome friends I'm gonna keep even after I stop working there (yeah I don't plan on working there my whole life). I never really had so many people that cared about me, not even in high school, and because of them I grew as a person. I think I'm more outgoing now that I was before and also the fact that I went to the crazy parties they had, something I never really experienced in high school since my friends outside work aren't really the party people (my best friend has never been drunk before and shes still a bit innocent). I'm really am thankful I have them in my life.
There was also the addition to a new family member in January, my little Chihuahua Lexy. And going to more concerts this year alone that I've been in total before
With happiness comes tragedies. I lost one of my closets friends in May due to Cystic Fibrosis and although I know her a long time (about 3 yrs or so) I still loved her. We had so many great moments together and she would always live life to the fullest and wouldn't let anything get her down, she was one of those type of people who would always be concerned about the people around her first and would always look out for you even though she was the one worst off.
The second tragedy just happened recently when the only grandfather I had died a week ago on the 20th. I'm still not really over it but you know he was the only I've ever had (I never met my mom's dad since he died when my mom was 17) it's kinda hard to get over the death of a family member so close really quick especially when you're so far away. But I don't know its kinda hard to describe the way I feel right now.
So here's to 2009 and the things it will bring...which hopefully will be good ones :D