Apr 23, 2006 19:46
I had just left the school, and realized that in less then an hour, I would have to be back amongst the hooligans. I checked my watch, while driving to my home and when I looked up, I had to slam on the brakes and nearly caved in my chest against the steering wheel, as a skateboarder and punk kid had crossed the street in front of me without looking, and just stood there as my car came only inches from him.
The kid had the nerve to look at me as if it were my fault and as he slowly made his way across the street and to the other side, I had to say something. "Go home to your parents, you little hooligan!"
This was what awaited me for the rest of this evening. Instead of going to one of the adult singles clubs and trying to find a woman that wasn't stupid and useless, like most of the kids in the area, I had to attend the homecoming dance. I reached my house, fortunate enough to not run over any more kids, or nearly run them over, took a quick shower and then changed into one of my tuxedoes, before going back out to my car.
I wanted to be the first to arrive at the school. I didn't want any of the students getting their first and I was going to personally check every student for drugs or alcohol as they came in. There would be no tragedies occuring at this dance. The deaths of Willow Rosenberg, Jeff whatever his name was and the possible death of the probable homecoming queen, Cordelia Chase, who was missing and considering that this was Sunnydale, probably dead, would not be repeated, or at least, not on this night.
I realized as I drove back towards Sunnydale High School, that I hadn't eaten and that I was famished. I knew that I could eat at the dance, but was leery of the moron caterers and wondered if the food was going to be as bad as I thought that it would be. I hated these things. I had never attended a dance in high school, and I knew that all of the boys wanted to mate with the girls or do drugs and I would be watching that, along with the pinhead Librarian, as well. No fun would be had at this dance tonight. None. There would be a queen crowned, a king crowned, some cheesy music played, and that would be it. There would be no drugs, no demons, no sex and no fun.
I pulled up to the school, happy in knowing that I was the first one here, or at least that my car was the first one here. I got out, adjusted my suit and checked the hair. One never knew when one of the more single mothers not named Summers might show up and be receptive to the Snydeman's charms. That would be the only fun allowed in the gymnasium on this night. I took my position at the door after eating what could only be described as a human-like finger sandwich, and for the briefest of moments, I wondered if it was laced with marijuana. It wouldn't surprise me, considering that the kids were involved and one of them could have paid a lot of money, just as a prank, to make sure that the food got everyone high.
I didn't fel high after eating one of the sandwiches and amazingly, I didn't want to vomit, either. I waited by the door for tickets and for pocket searches.